Hi all!

Thanks to a new triaxial gyroscope chip which became available a few weeks ago 
I started to work on a new navigation board for the freerunner. The new chip 
reduces the complexity which results in a single layer board containing the 
triaxial gyroscope ITG3200, the triaxial compass HMC5843, and the pressure 
sensor BMP085 and about seven passive components.

The layout is done a final test is still pending. All drivers are tested and 
they work.
Currently I'm waiting for a quote about how much it would cost to assemble the 
boards. It should be possible to get the assembled boards including all costs 
for components, PCB and assembling for about 75€ to 80€.

If there is enough interest I'll try to get a first "production run" done.

Since the backside of the board is still empty, the new navigation board won't 
replace the same amount of embedded air as the first version did. Any ideas on 
how to fix this 'design flaw'? I'm proposing the SHT21 a digital humidity 
(from which I have a working sample) but the general availability is still 
The price difference between a single and a dual layer board is negligible, 
therefore it's possible to include at least a footprint for new hardware, or 
simply a lot of solder pads for easier expansion. Suggestions?


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