Peter Mogensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I've installed Qtmoko V24 on a buzzfixed Freerunner, but people still
> complain that there's so much noise in the other end that it's
> impossible to understand.
> I've checked that the ALSA state file is about the same a recommended
> for buzz fixed phones.

You can tweak alsa state in NeoControl application.

> I'm wondering whether there some echo-cancellation missing in the modem
> configuration.
> Where is that configured on Qtmoko?

Echo cancelation is enabled by default. It's hardcoded in modem plugin and 
cant be disabled. You can search for "echo" in this source file:

But i think echo is not the same as noise. When i had echo last time the voice 
was clean, but repeating so that the other side could not speak, but he heard 
me ok.

I dont know what can be the cause for noise.



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