Am 21.06.2010 00:44, schrieb Marcin Ćwikła:
> 2010/6/20 Fox Mulder < <>>
>     Hi,
>     But there is one major thing i'm missing which has every other mobile
>     phone. The possibility to see unanswered calls/sms without extra turning
>     on the phone. When i missed a call and wasn't near the phone than i do
>     not wakeup the phone "only" to see if i missed a call. Therefore i often
>     responded to missed calls/sms quite late because i din't know i had
>     one. :/
>     So i thought how this problem could be solved and had an idea but don't
>     know if it is possible to implement. :)
> Here is sth for a good start.
> Without accelerometers, only "Motorola bip".

Thanks for the hint. I never knew that something like this existed.
Maybe Marco posted it at the wrong mailinglist because no one answered
to his mail. :(

I think this script is going exact in the right direction. Only the 15
minutes wakeup as long as the missing call is not confirmed is not as
effective as the accelerometer solution i have in mind. :)
But i think his script is a very good basis for what i have in mind. If
i would be a programmer i would try to modify his script but for now i
think i will just give it a try as it is now. I hope it still works
because it was written a year ago and many things have changed since than.

I will post an update here if his script still works or not.


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