hi debian users! 
 i have a manually deboostrapped debian sid rootfs running on my freerunner. 
stuff works fine so far but one remaining issue is that in contrast to last 
time i boostrappd my system from scratch i now only get MotionNotify events and 
now mouse button events anymore. I found this out using xev. this is, i can use 
things like xeyes just fine (the eyes move) but i cannot click anywhere. even 
more strange is that using low level utilities like ts_test or ts_calibrate 
recognize a press on the touchscreen just fine. i saw there were many updates 
to xserver-xorg-input-tslib since the last time i did a build. has anybody else 
the same issues or knows how to fix it? 
 cheers josch 
 PS: sry for bad formatting but i cannot access my real machine right now and 
have to use my crappy webmailer..

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