have the same issues with the current settings


On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 19:30:45 +0200, Alfa21 <freerun...@my.is.it> wrote:

> 2010-09...@11:37 Radek Polak
>> On battery: suspend 5minutes
>> When locked: suspend in 20 seconds
> hi radek and hi to all the community in general :)
> on this topic I'd like to open a debate...
> I think the suspend setting in "on cable" (I'm personally using it as  
> "disabled" timeout here) should have priority over the suspend setting  
> in "locked" because if you are on ssh over usb (or usb mass storage) and  
> put (or keep) your FR in "locked" mode you'll loose the connection.
> this also because I usually have the "on battery" and "when locked" both  
> with battery saving schemes as you (I am always locking screen too!) and  
> I forget to unlock my FR when I plug the usb cable in it.
> what do you think?
> is it possible to change the priorities like:
> CABLE over LOCK over BATTERY ?
> do you think this use case is reasonable/common?


Dipl.-Medieninf. Raphael Wimmer
Wiss. Mitarbeiter / Research Assistant
Doktorand / PhD student

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München   E-Mail: raphael.wim...@ifi.lmu.de
LFE Medieninformatik                     Skype:  real_raphman
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