On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 10:27:12AM +0200, Eric Ehlers wrote:
> Hello,
> I added a new section (2.5) to the Openmoko page on wikipedia in an  
> attempt to reflect the latest status of the project:
>      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Openmoko
> Hope that's right, if anyone has any feedback please let me know or  
> feel free to update the page directly.
> After recently discovering Openmoko my first few attempts at Googling  
> on the project led me to the false conclusion that the effort was  
> stone cold dead and it took some serious digging to find the latest  
> news so I hope to spare others the same confusion.

Hello all,

I also noticed that the FreeRunner wikipedia page could do with a bit
of TLC:


I wondered about the possibility of adding a section about distros
which contains some nice screenshots of the latest SHR and
QtMoko. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?


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