Am 21.12.2010 16:33, schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:
> So we are very confident that the already scheduled redesign
> (GTA04A3) will work right from the beginning and boot Linux.
> This looks like the start of the aera of new Openmoko devices.

Thank you very much for your efforts regarding OSS and especially the
Openmoko Freerunner!

I was eagerly following your updates about this project and it sounds
sooo great! :D Your announcement is indeed a wonderful X-Mas present!

> -- early adopter program --
> Therefore, we have thought hat we offer an early adoper
> program to the benefit of everybody.
> The idea is that you can order a GTA04A3 immediately. At
> a fixed price (280 EUR). And we take the risk that prices of
> components will change. You only take the risk that we may
> need more time to get the components and have to spin
> another PCB.
> Using your money, we will order the core components with
> a long lead time (OMAP, Memory, UMTS module) as soon
> as possible - and early enough before the GTA04A3 design
> is finished.

I was pondering on putting my money into this - and I do want to.. just
not possible for me right now. So I'd like to ask: for about how long do
you plan to have that EA offer on?

Best regards and merry christmas!

The day Microsoft creates a product that doesn't suck is the day they
make vacuum cleaners.

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