There are 2 different wikireaders available. One with a 2gb card and one with a 4+gb card. As I understand it, the 2gb only supports a single language, and the English version is a special one that will fit in 2gb. The 4+gb version will do multiple languages and other things. Since I am from the USA, I am a pin head and only speak one language ;) . I therefore have the full English wiki, along with wikiquotes and the wiktionary and no other languages.
The 4gb version supposedly can use micro-sd up 16gb.

Also, to make sure you are running the correct version of software, there should be a globe icon on the main screen. You use that to select other languages/wikis.

Hope that helped.

On 12/25/2010 3:53 PM, Alexander Lehner wrote:

Sorry for posting this here, I don't know if there's already a list for the WR.

I've got a WikiReader now for some month and my 10y daughter surprisingly likes it, so I finally decided to get one for my parents as christmas gift.

The one I've got came with english, german and netherlands wikis, so I assumed the new one would do so, too. But it didn't, so I had to update the german language package.

The Update software so far is really easy and it recognizes the SD card without choosing it from any USB device. It told my to update the base image and the german language, it took about 3-4 hours to download the 1.7GB.

After starting the WR again, even the english language was gone, only an empty search window showed up. So I looked at the content of the SD card and still the timestamps of the base files seemed wery old to me. The german language package seemed ok. Then I downloaded the base image from the .torrent file, which seemed to me the only up-to-date source I could get. It was quite a pain, because the only torrent client I had on my parents computer was the torrent downloader from Opera, which is quite slow compared to other torrent clients. After putting the new base files to the SD card, at least the german language was there. I don't know what happened with the english. According to the docs there seems to be a single-language installation (all lang files at root directory) and a multi-lang version with each language in a subfolder. Obviously the do not co-exist.

And the well-known problems: Touchscreen is hard to handle (but learnable), backlight for people of higher age is really missing
because of their eyes.
At least the contrast setup (which seems only to appear if you boot the device without sd card) could/should be part of the usual sdcard-'OS'. (for example pressing the power button short instead of holding it for power-down?).

So far I'm now happy with it, I like the device, if my parents do - we will see ;)


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