В Птн, 07/01/2011 в 03:16 -0800, sferic пишет:
> Hi, 
> I would like to use the new QtMoko v31 as my Dailly-Phone on NAND parallel
> to two other Distros and a big Documents-Partition on my SD-Card. Till v26 I
> could boot QtMoko over U-Boot 1.3.2-moko 12 (AUX + Power) and the other two
> over Qi (Power with or without AUX). With the new v31 this is no longer
> possible: When I try to boot v31 with U-Boot, I get the Message "No kernel
> Image" (or similar, the message shows only very short befor the U-Boot-Menu
> shows up again). From the Discussion around v28 I have learned, that I have
> to change the bootargs_base to use the new ubifs. I think, I have done this
> right (with the parameters from v28) but with no success. When I remove my
> SD-Card I can boot to v31 (with the new Qi). 
> Please tell me the right parameters for U-Boot to use with v31 (and maybe
> the right way to set them, when I'm logged into U-Boot?  - sorry for this
> NOOB-Question...), or what else could be wrong?
> Thanks in advance
> Sferic

Hi, you should never use NOR u-boot for anything expect dfu-flashing.

Reason: bootloader is important because it inits hw on boot and on
resume. for example according to my measurements power consumption in
suspend with nor-uboot is much higher. some things are really not
controlled by kernel: bootloader inits something and kernel uses as it
were init (many such things, any serial line is example). This may cause
any kind of problems, which you'll never notice on first glance - power
consumption, memory timings, anything else.

If you really like u-boot, just flash it to nand and enjoy (i am
maintaining working version
http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/U-boot-gena2x ), it should work with all
qtmokos or other distros.

It is realatively easy to reflash nor u-boot btw.


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