I've experimented problems too; I get the msgs through news reader and for some days I didn't get anything; once I've sent a msg to one of the list, I've got a reply asking me to subscribe to ANOTHER mailing list on gmane from which I get the msgs... Because I use Opera for mailing lists, I've thought it was one of its usual weird behavior, but after your reports I think maybe there was a problem on the news server

On Thu, 03 Feb 2011 21:26:53 +0100, shamsul hassan <shamsulbu...@gmail.com> wrote:

Its strange .. i thought that everybody is just relaxing and not doing
anything but this doesn't seems to be the case .. coz today I got all the
mails in a single shot which were sent 13 days back ... Thank god .. it
actually reached safely ..

On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 5:00 PM, Doug Jones <dj...@frombob.to> wrote:

I just sent a message to mailman about this.

I also checked the archives of the other published Openmoko lists.  The
Community list is the only one showing any activity since January 21, and
even that is very small.

Prior to January 21, the list was getting about seven messages per day,
similar to the rate for the last few months. Now it is down to about one per day. They all seem to be replies to messages sent on or before January 21, or newly created messages, or the 'list strangeness' messages where we
are generating replies manually from the list archive.

This suggests to me that nobody is receiving list messages via email.

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