With block diagram:

BCM4329 Product Brief:
Quote: "...
Supports IEEE 802.11d/e (WMM, QoS, WMM-PS), h, i, j
(upgrades available for k, r, w)
 Operating Frequencies:
2.4 - 2.497 GHz
4.9 - 5.85 GHz [ which means that should also support ch 100-140 ]


9th January 2011, Bcm4329 driver source code:
Quote: "...
I tried many ways, last modified module name, unexpectedly successful, it is funny.
I use a new version of the driver code, modify and compiled, try several Dflags, the result is the timeout or hardlock, so I deleted all code. Then, I started from scratch,redownload code from http://nv-tegra.nvidia.com/gitweb/?p...n/broadcom.git, Made a small change, even successful.........
the upgrade seems stable to me!
Thanks, worked great for my kernel as well ( but still can't enable IPv6. It would just give me an error on wifi. Any ideas?
Update to FW version
GOT IT!! Working IPv6 with good range


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