Dear all,
some days ago the "GTA04 Group Tour" subscription was
announced, with the goal that the number of units per production
run is increased to reduce the price per unit to the
benefits of all.

The idea is that interested persons and institutions can
preorder until 10th of Feb 2012 (right after FOSDEM where
boards and devices will be shown). If we hit the minimum
quantity of 350 units, production can start approx. in March
for first delivery in April.

To make the status more transparent, there is a new subscription
level indicator (similar to online booking numbered seats in a concert
hall or airplane flight - except that there are no numbers):

On this indicator, we can see more and more of the GTA04 image
as pre-orders are coming in. And the hands of the clock show
how close we come to the deadline.

Currently, we have bookings for 5% of the units (thanks to all
who already did subscribe!) after 14% of the subscription time.


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