On Dec 12, 2011 13:09 "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller" <h...@goldelico.com>

> I am in favour of Radek's wooden experiments. Anyone done 3D cutting
> with wood?

Indeed it looks more and more like a good option, even exciting when one
thinks of artistic potential (e.g., varnish, engraving and even
marquetry as an extreme moding option). I could even see a fashion trend
starting with OpenMoko :)

Actually I did some simple works with a wood router but all I need were
straight lines with different cutting patterns. I didn't use a guide
template which probably would be needed in this case. Personally, I
would still prefer to pay some artisan to do it for me, cost dependent.

Two questions that occur to me:

Which types of wood would be more suitable? Light but resistant to

How much time would be needed to do a case, from cutting, maybe gluing,
polishing, varnishing as a routine task? Or, what would be the cost

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