On 03/03/2012 11:09 AM, Lionel Broche wrote:
well, I think you just have to look at the capabilities of IMAP5 to see that the next generations of phone/tablet will have 3D support, both for display and webcam (I think IMAP5 supports 2 webcam ports). So IMHO the big manufacturers are now focusing on including 3D instead of designing new concepts.

About the choice of keyboard, from what I read on this thread I think that one of the main issue is the feedback. Touch keyboard give you a feedback via the feeling of the fingertips, so you don't need to focus your attention to it. Maybe using an audible 'clic' would be an alternative for touch screen keypads? or using an electric discharge to trigger the user's nerves :) (though this may lower the battery life...)

I guess all improvements on the soft keyboard are nice but keeping the screen free with a solidly attached keyboard like the N900 is incomparably much better. Put yourself in a queue for 3 hours while using email and browser under stress.

Would the GTA04 fit in the case of a N900 and would it be unrealistic to buy the case from Nokia?

Anyway, although the keyboard is an interesting discussion, I still think the main hurdle to increase de community and its involvement is the current price and the lack of a complete phone solution. Also, as pointed out by others, missing an SMS, as it happened to me with qtmoko (3.4?) is a major show-stopper.

I think the current approach of marketing the hardware flexibility is a good one, albeit with a smalle market. I guess it could actually be more useful for industry than individuals, but the concept of designing a mobile to fit the specific needs of a company might be too unheard off, needing a bigger/smarter marketing effort.


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