>- what's so hackable about the calypso fw? as far as i recall, it was a  
>major afford to get an updated fw and make it flashable. and how much less  
>hackable is the new gsm chip's fw?
Well, you can run osmocom-bb or nuttx on it.

for instance with nuttx:
root@om-gta02:~# /etc/init.d/dbus-1 stop
Stopping system message bus: dbus.
root@om-gta02:~# /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm stop
Stopping XServer
root@om-gta02:~# osmocon -i 13 -m romload -p /dev/ttySAC0 nuttx.bin 
open a new shell and type:
echo 0 >/sys/bus/platform/devices/gta02-pm-gsm.0/power_on
echo 1 >/sys/bus/platform/devices/gta02-pm-gsm.0/power_on
Then on the first shell you see:
Preparing block 63, block checksum is 0xec 
handle_write_block(): 1024 bytes (1024/1024)
handle_write_block(): Block 63 finished
Received block ack from phone
Preparing the last block, filling 616 bytes, block checksum is 0x75 
handle_write_block(): 1024 bytes (1024/1024)
handle_write_block(): Block 64 finished
Finished, sent 64 blocks in total
Received block ack from phone
Sending checksum: 0x42 
Checksum on phone side matches, let's branch to your code
Branching to 0x00820000
Received branch ack, your code is running now!

NuttShell (NSH)

then with a python script you can interact with the shell:
root@om-gta02:~# ./loadwriter.py 
which produces:
nsh> help
NSH command forms:
  [nice [-d <niceness>>]] <cmd> [> <file>|>> <file>] [&]
  if <cmd>
    [sequence of <cmd>]
    [sequence of <cmd>]
Where <cmd> is one of:
  [ <expression> ]
  cat <path> [<path> [<path> ...]]
  cp <source-path> <dest-path>
  dd if=<infile> of=<outfile> [bs=<sectsize>] [count=<sectors>] 
  echo [<string> [<string>...]]
  exec <hex-address>
  kill -<signal> <pid>
  losetup [-d <dev-path>] | [[-o <offset>] [-r] <dev-path> <file-path>]
  ls [-lRs] <dir-path>
  mb <hex-address>[=<hex-value>][ <hex-byte-count>]
  mkfifo <path>
  mh <hex-address>[=<hex-value>][ <hex-byte-count>]
  mw <hex-address>[=<hex-value>][ <hex-byte-count>]
  sh <script-path>
  sleep <sec>
  test <expression>
  usleep <usec>
  xd <hex-address> <byte-count>

Builtin Apps:

Alternatively you can run a loader, a hello world, a rss firmware, a 
layer1(with layer23 running on the samsung SOC) firmware etc....


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