Hi Arne,

please try this config

aux should suspend device and LEDs light when charging with adapter

# indicates this configuration version, do not change
version = 1
# the default log_level, if not specified per subsystem or module
# available log levels are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
log_level = ERROR
# the global log_destination. Uncomment to enable
log_to = file
#log_to = file
#log_to = syslog
# if logging to a file, specify the destination
log_destination = /var/log/frameworkd.log
# persistance format, one of "pickle", "yaml"
persist_format = pickle
rootdir = ../etc/freesmartphone:/etc/freesmartphone:/usr/etc/freesmartphone

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# poll capacity once every 5 minutes
# (usually, you do not have to change this)
capacity_check_timeout = 300
# set 0 to disable FB_BLANK ioctl to blank framebuffer
# (if you have problems on Openmoko GTA02)
fb_blank = 1

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# set directory where the alsa audio scenarios are stored
scenario_dir = /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios
# set default scenario loaded at startup
default_scenario = stereoout

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# don't read from accellerometers for GTA02
ignoreinput = 2,3
# configure timeouts (in seconds) here. A value of 0
# means 'never fall into this state' (except programatically)
idle = 10
idle_dim = 20
idle_prelock = 12
lock = 2
suspend = 0

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# don't read from accellerometers for GTA02
ignoreinput = 2,3
# format is <keyname>,<type>,<input device keycode>,<report held seconds in 
addition to press/release>
report1 = AUX,key,169,1
report2 = POWER,key,116,1
report3 = USB,key,356,0
report4 = HEADSET,switch,2,0

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1

# disable accelerometer since it uses LOADS of CPU resources
disable = 1
accelerometer_type = gta02

# set log_level to INFO for ogsmd to avoid a bug
log_level = INFO
# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# choose your modem type, available types are: ti_calypso, freescale_neptune, 
singleline, muxed4line, option, ...
modemtype = ti_calypso
# if you have a ti_calypso, you can choose the deep sleep mode. Valid values 
are: never, adaptive (default), always
ti_calypso_deep_sleep = adaptive
# if you have a ti_calypso, you can choose the dsp mode for audio enhancement. 
Valid values are:
#    "short-aec": Short Echo Cancellation (max)
#    "long-aec":  Long Echo Cancellation (max)
#    "long-aec:6db": Long Echo Cancellation (-6db)
#    "long-aec:12db": Long Echo Cancellation (-12db)
#    "long-aec:18db": Long Echo Cancellation (-18db)
#    "nr": Noise Reduction (max)
#    "nr:6db": Noise Reduction (-6db)
#    "nr:12db": Noise Reduction (-12db)
#    "nr:18db": Noise Reduction (-18db)
#    "aec+nr": Long Echo Cancellation (max) plus Noise Reduction (max) [default]
#    "none": No audio processing.
ti_calypso_dsp_mode = aec+nr
# choose your muxer, available types are: gsm0710muxd [default], fso-abyss
#ti_calypso_muxer = fso-abyss

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# possible options are NMEADevice, UBXDevice, GTA02Device, EtenDevice
device = GTA02Device
# possible options are SerialChannel, GllinChannel, UDPChannel, FileChannel
channel = SerialChannel
# For UDPChannel the path defines the port to listen to
path = /dev/ttySAC1

# set 1 to disable a module
# you need to disable ousaged if you want to use the new implementation: 
disable = 1
# choose whether resources should be disabled at startup, at shutdown, always 
(default), or never.
sync_resources_with_lifecycle = always


# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
log_level = WARNING


# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
log_level = WARNING




# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 0
#contacts_default_backend = CSV-Contacts
#messages_default_backend = SQlite-Messages
#calls_default_backend = SQLite-Calls
#dates_default_backend = SQLite-Dates
#notes_default_backend = SQLite-Notes
#tasks_default_backend = SQLite-Tasks
#contacts_merging_enabled = 1
#messages_default_folder = Unfiled
#messages_trash_folder = Trash
#sim_messages_default_folder = SMS
rootdir = 


disable = 1
# a list of time/zone sources to use or NONE
timesources = GPS,NTP
zonesources = GSM
# use an ip address here, otherwise DNS resolution will block
ntpserver =


Attachment: rules.yaml
Description: application/yaml

# FSO Data Daemon Configuration File -- for SYSTEM INTEGRATORS only
# Log level: DEBUG, INFO (default), WARNING, ERROR
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_LEVEL
log_level = INFO
# Where to log to: none (default), stderr, stderr:colors, file, syslog
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_TO
log_to = file
# Log Destination (valid only for log_to = file)
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_DESTINATION
log_destination = /var/log/fsodatad.log

# No settings yet

# No settings yet


inputnode = /input/event4
sysfsnode = /bus/spi/devices/spi3.0/
duration = 200
sample_rate = 100
threshold = 54
full_scale = 2.3














# FSO Usage Daemon Configuration File -- for SYSTEM INTEGRATORS only
# Log level: DEBUG, INFO (default), WARNING, ERROR
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_LEVEL
log_level = ERROR
# Where to log to: none (default), stderr, stderr:colors, file, syslog
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_TO
log_to = file
# Log Destination (valid only for log_to = file)
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_DESTINATION
log_destination = /tmp/fsousaged.log

# Which low level suspend/resume variant to use: none (default), kernel26, openmoko
lowlevel_type = openmoko
# FOR DEBUGGING ONLY: Do not suspend, but instead sleep a couple of seconds
#debug_do_not_suspend = 1
# FOR DEBUGGING ONLY: Enable every registered resource on startup
#debug_enable_on_startup = 1
# FOR DEBUGGING ONLY: Whether resource activation should be synchronized with the registration lifecycle: always (default), startup, shutdown, never
#sync_resources_with_lifecycle = always

# No settings yet

# No settings yet

# No settings yet
# FSO GSM Daemon Configuration File -- for SYSTEM INTEGRATORS only
# Log level: DEBUG, INFO (default), WARNING, ERROR
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_LEVEL
log_level = ERROR
# Where to log to: none (default), stderr, stderr:colors, file, syslog
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_TO
log_to = file
# Log Destination (valid only for log_to = file)
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_DESTINATION
log_destination = /var/log/fsogsmd.log

log_level = ERROR
log_to = file
log_destination = /var/log/libfsotransport.log

log_level = ERROR
log_to = file
log_destination = /var/log/libgsm0710mux.log

# Set to 1, when the first AllocChannel request should open a new MUX session
muxer_autoopen = 1
# Set to 1, when the last ReleaseChannel closes the MUX session
muxer_autoclose = 1

# Communication means
device_type = serial
# Communication port
device_port = /dev/ttySAC0
# Port speed
device_speed = 115200
# MUX mode, set to 0 for 07.10 basic multiplexing, to 1 for advanced mode
device_mux_mode = 1
# set maximum 07.10 frame size
device_mux_framesize = 89
# device can't drop out of mux mode
device_close_broken = 1

# Set wakeup threshold for device (in seconds) or 0 to disable
device_wakeup_threshold = 5
# Set wakeup time for device (in milliseconds)
device_wakeup_waitms = 250

# DEBUG: Whether to ignore MUX mode
session_debug_leave_mux_alone = 0
# DEBUG: Whether to ignore FC mode
session_debug_leave_fc_alone = 0

modem_access = serial:/dev/ttySAC0:115200
modem_type = ti_calypso
pdp_type = mux
lowlevel_type = openmoko
# Whether SMS should be buffered via SIM or delivered directly
sim_buffers_sms = false
# Global modem init sequence; this is the first sequence that gets sent to the modem after power cycling
modem_init = E0V1;+CMEE=1;+CRC=1;+CSCS="UCS2"
# Where to store SMS: <path> (default=/tmp/fsogsmd/sms/)
sms_storage_dir = /var/lib/fsogsmd/sms/

power_node = /sys/bus/platform/devices/gta02-pm-gsm.0/power_on
fc_node = /sys/bus/platform/devices/gta02-pm-gsm.0/flowcontrolled

# Whether to allow the modem to fall into deep sleep. Valid values are 'never' (default) and 'always'
# Openmoko devices with the #1024 hardware fix may set this to 'always', all others should use 'never'.
deep_sleep = never
# Which special DSP mode to use for noise suppression / echo cancellation. Valid values are documented
# in the ogsmd source code. If you don't know what this is, leave it at the default.
dsp_mode = 0187

# No settings yet

# No settings yet
# FSO Time Date Location Daemon Configuration File -- for SYSTEM INTEGRATORS only
# Log level: DEBUG, INFO (default), WARNING, ERROR
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_LEVEL
log_level = DEBUG
# Where to log to: none (default), stderr, stderr:colors, file, syslog
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_TO
log_to = file
# Log Destination (valid only for log_to = file)
# Override via environment as FSO_LOG_DESTINATION
log_destination = /var/log/fsotdld.log

gps_receiver_transport = serial
gps_receiver_port = /dev/ttySAC1
gps_receiver_speed = 9600

# No settings yet

# No settings yet

# Which server to use; default is 'pool.ntp.org'
server = pool.ntp.org

# No settings yet

# No settings yet

# No settings yet

#provider_type = nmea


# Which sources to use; available are ntp, gsm, gps, dummy
sources = ntp;gsm
# Which timezone file to update; default is /etc/timezone
timezone_file = /etc/timezone
# Which localtime file to update; default is /etc/localtime
localtime_file = /etc/localtime
# Path to zoneinfo files, default is /usr/share/zoneinfo
zoneinfo_dir = /usr/share/zoneinfo

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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