QtMoko v44 is now available for download [1]. This should be best QtMoko 
release for GTA04 and i think i can recommend it for daily use. The GTA04 HW 
adaption is now nearly finished.

Changes since v43:

  * using 115200 as initial speed for bluetooth uart
  * qmplayer can now play in fullscreen and pause on incoming call
  * enabled default suspend interval on battery (3 minutes)
  * you can set 1s interval in locked mode
  * usb mac address should be now really fixed
  * detecting cable using vbus sysfs node
  * added logos for sd card and nand boot
  * implemented rebooting to other distro
  * turing on/off bluetooth with rfkill on gta04
  * after boot bluetooth is now turned off on gta04
  * workarounded bug with gps preventing suspend on gta04

The most important thing with this release is fixing suspend. It is now working 

By default after boot bluetooth is now turned off, so you will get 25mA suspend 

Do not forget to try the multiboot. Just unpack any distro to /distros, press 
POWER and select if from and reboot there.

I think you can now finally "just use" the phone. All you have to do should be 
to charge it every second day. This was my goal and i think it has been 
reached now. Now I plan to spend time on not so important features, like 
keyboard, the app shop and freecell port ;-) Don't expect next release in next 
few week - i think it's time to slow down.

Btw you can also try 3.3 kernel. You can just:

        apt-get update
        apt-get remove linux-image-3.2-qtmoko-gta04
        apt-get install linux-image-3.3-qtmoko-gta04

and reboot.

In the end i'd like to send special thanks to Neil Brown for his kernel work 
and for answering all my questions.

Enjoy the release


PS: i will try to find time to do also release for GTA02

[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/qtmoko/files/GTA04/

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