On Monday, October 01, 2012 10:00:57 PM Gilles Filippini wrote:

> Neil Jerram a écrit , Le 01/10/2012 19:58:
> > Gilles Filippini <p...@debian.org> writes:
> >> Movies transcoded with mencoder often lose A/V sync. For one of my video
> >> files there is a 5 secondes drift after only 1 minute of playing.
> >>
> >>From when I used to do that for my Nokia 770, I remember that it used to
> >>
> > work better when I told mencoder to create an index.  I don't remember
> > exactly but I guess that would have been the -forceidx option.
> Unfortunately this option doesn't help regarding the drift.
> I'll have to go with VLC transcoding for now, while it isn't a panacea
> either. I've had to downgrade the transcoded video size to 240*320 for
> the movie to play fluently on the GTA04:
> $ vlc <input file> --transform-type 270 \
>   --sout '#transcode{width=320, vcodec=h264, \
>   vfilter=transform:canvas{width=240,height=320}, acodec=mp4a, \
>   channels=2, audio-sync}:standard{access=file, mux=mp4, \
>   dst=<output file>}' -I dummy vlc://quit

I am now playing a bit with it again. I have noticed the drift too. Probably 
the encoding params that are used for GTA02 would work ok even for GTA04 - i 
have changed them for GTA04 to increase quality of video, but i think we 
should remove the ifdef and keep them same as for GTA02.

However there are some interesting directions.
- Mplayer in wheezy can play very well ogv
- We can use theorarm which is ogv player mostly in assembly optimized for ARM
- switch to wheezy/armhf for GTA04 which could give us some more speed



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