Hi Boudewijn,
great ideas!

Am 22.10.2012 um 22:43 schrieb Boudewijn:

> On Monday 22 October 2012 12:33:33 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> FYI.
>> To me it appears that they have less rooms to dispose than in the previous
>> years. I know one other project that did have a devroom in the past 10
>> years didn't get one like us. With almost the same wording. And there were
>> discussions about not using the AW building any more.
> Maybe everything from AW moves to the newer building? It would be more 
> practical in general, and warmer, but AW got many smaller rooms. :-(
>> So what are your ideas about going to FOSDEM? Plans for presentations to
>> submit to other devrooms? Some informal meeting? Should we have a Stand?
> Could we transform a stand to a devstand? The tables are a bit unstable and 
> usually close to the wall, due to space constraints in AW. I think I can take 
> a projector with me. I don't have a sreen though. If we have a large enought 
> table, and enough chairs, we might do something more organized than trying to 
> hear what peoplo on the other side of the table are saying. 

Interesting idea! I think we have some FREEdom to modify the stand they provide
(provided we get one - the call for project stands isn't even out yet).

> Besides a projector I can take an (older) LCD's with me (1280x1024 I hope, 
> 17"). Can the TV-out on GTA04 be hacked into supplying some signal that's 
> suitable for VGA? There are passive adapters available, and active adapters 
> in 
> the "wrong" direction (I did see adapters to connect the VGA-out to s-
> video/YUV input, but not the other way around). 

Hm. I do not know how well the distros run on TVout which has a different screen
aspect ratio and size. Another option could be VNC or X11 forwarding.

> Is there some hackable project we could run with the left-over Freerunner 
> mainboards? I still want to turn mine into a webserver (later, "when I'm 
> grown 
> up"), but with a couple of them we could maybe do some hide-and-seek with 
> mesh 
> networking (either WIFI or BT, to let Neo1979 play as well) and trying to 
> detect them with our GTA04s. 
> It all needs preparation of course, but if we first flood the list with 
> ideas, 
> we can pick some feasible plans out of them. The least we can do, is have 
> last 
> year's presentation running in a loop on one screen and (all?) our videos on 
> another. Especially: on a big screen, since our devices are so miniature...

Yes, we did not get that attention - even our Poster was too small and not on
the wall behind us. So it did not get noticed.

So we need something attracting, and a movie is definitively more attracting
visitors than any piece of paper.

> One more: if "we" (sorry, I'd feel much better saying "I", but ..:-( ) get 
> the 
> FM radio running before then, we can broadcast sound for the presentation to 
> mobile speakers. 
> On a side note (and no plug intended): I'm involved in Limesco, the dutch 
> telco start-up that is "open organisation"/hacker friendly. I'm not sure 
> whether Limesco will be at FOSDEM, but I imagine it to be somewhat connected 
> to our project. To my knowledge, there is no equivalent to it in another 
> country. The options are still limited, due to small scale (sounds familiar). 
> One "special feature" that is available now, is to route voice calls through 
> your own server, instead of that of the telco. Does something like that offer 
> possibilities for something interesting during FOSDEM? 
> Are there some easily made GTA04 hardware extensions we could offer people to 
> solder in 20-40 minutes under guidance? 

AFAIK not yet.

> There must be some visitors from previous years on the list as well. How was 
> our stand perceived last year? 

> Best regards,
> Boudewijn


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