Dave and all,

If qtopiamail uses libssl, we should brace ourselves for crappy error messages :)

I forgot to mention that my IMAP server uses a certificate signed by cacert.org. The signing certificate cert is in the ca-certificates package. I verified the certificate using a command like "openssl verify -cafile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt my-imap-cert.pem". I did that on my imap server. I should try again on the freerunner.

I can dive into some source code. Can someone point me to some directions on getting a qtmoko environment set up to compile packages? If qtmoko follows normal debian conventions, i should be able to diagnose some stuff.

As a side note. When i select TLS, i'm not sure it's being saved. If i recall correctly, the qtopiamail config file just said encryption type = 2, whatever that means. When i edit account information it just shows up blank. When i select SSL, and save, then edit account info, the form appears with SSL picked.

The lack of ca-certificates package may be intentional. After all, how do we know it is securely delivered to us. On the other hand, if i download Firefox and it comes with n cert signing certificates, how do i know they are secure? But i digress.

I haven't tried SMTP yet, but when i do, i'll post results here.


Brian DeRocher

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