On Monday, December 03, 2012 11:40:56 AM robin wrote:

> hi radek,
> thanks for pointing me there. please excuse my ignorance, but I have never
> build/compiled libraries myself beforehand. If my guess is correct after
> building one would have a new library
> ./opt/qtmoko/lib/libqtopiaphonemodem.so.4
> with the AT commands and new return values integrated.


> is this easy to do and if so could you or anyone on the list give me a hint
> eg
> - clone that part of the githubtree,
> - change the code
> - compile (on the phone directly I guess and if possible as I think I would
> run into many troubles if setting up a whole build-environment)
> - try it out

There is README on github how to compile from sources. It should be quite 
easy. Check


Compiling on phone is possible, but it takes days, so i think cross compiling 
is better for you.

After you are done with compiling, you can change the code and:

        cd build/src/libraries/qtopiaphonemodem
        make install

This will rebuild just the one library and you can scp the result to neo, 
restart QtMoko and try...



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