On Wed, Jan 02, 2013 at 11:23:38AM -0500, Ian Darwin wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 02, 2013 at 05:17:16PM +0100, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:
> > Hi Troy,
> > 
> > On 30 December 2012 21:08, Troy Benjegerdes <ho...@hozed.org> wrote:
> > > I can do this with a GTA02 (wifi built-in, and USB-host mode), or *maybe*
> > 
> > > My per-unit budget for the hardware is between $50 (bare GTA) and
> > > $150 (GTA running my python code with wifi and rs232)
> > 
> > Does this mean that you would give me $150 for my GTA02? Are you
> > US-based? Would you pay postage from Germany?
> I wouldn't think so, or he or somebody would have bid my GTA02 on
> eBay higher than $50. I wouldn't expect to get more than $50 fo a
> GTA02, unless it's brand new in sealed box or it has the fancy black
> penguin case or something. Everyone knows that GTA02 has WiFi and
> USB, and can hang a USB-Serial dongle onto it.

... I should have bid on the ebay one ;)

The $150 would be total budget for something (including shipping) 
that you've personally tested works with the python code I'm currently
running on a desktop that uploads to http://emoncms.org.

For something that has working wifi, and a USB-serial dongle that 
you have *tested*, that's in the $100 USD neighborhood.

I'd say $50-$75 for a GTA02 without USB-serial, but working wifi.

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