Il 07/03/2013 12.22, Radek Polak ha scritto:


i am happy to anounce QtMoko v54 - this time just for Freerunner. I have finally fixed GSM network registration bug so we have now Freerunner release with all the nice things that were only for GTA04 previously. The release tarbal and ubifs images are available here [1], for more info visit our homepage [2]

Changes since v48:

* ogg content plugin now works (Neil Jerram)

* faster videos

* swapped colors in videos now really fixed

* debian package improvements (Gilles Filippini)

* upgrade to qt 4.8.3

* support for html5 video in browsers

* enable typing in the To field, when sending an email (Neil Jerram)

* avoid "QString::arg: Argument missing" logs (Neil Jerram)

* position is now showing in media player (Neil Jerram)

* fixed qwslock log warnings (Neil Jerram)

* have libQtScript and libQtDeclarative installed by qbuild (Gilles Filippini)

* media player uses accelerometers for rotation

* fixed wifi ap to not move around during rescan

* qtmoko apt repo keys are installed by default

* DISPLAY is no longer set in qpe.env to not confuse pulseaudio (Neil Jerram)

* phonon is now built and can be used by applications

* phonon has fix for swapped colors

* QSplitter class is compiled for better compat with existing apps

* rotate helper is now part of accelerometer library

* fixed "Draft message" instead of sender in SMS (Neil Jerram & Radek Polak)

* fixed status to be uint64 in mail app db

* fixed invisible text parts in qterminal

* qui utility to show QtMoko message boxes from shell

* gps uses gpsd and gpspipe (Neil Jerram)

* qx - fix setting of DISPLAY variable (Neil Jerram)

* qx - fix Xfbdev invocation (Neil Jerram)

* gps satellites should work again

* updated mokofaen theme (Joif)

I havent tested the release very much, but i hope it is quite ok. I have noticed that audio stops after few seconds in media player, so you have to use qmplayer for now. Maybe this can be solved by installing different gstreamer plugin for mp3 instead of fluendo.

If you want to upgrade (also untested), you'll have to configure gpsd after upgrade to make gps working. Edit /etc/default/gpsd and set DEVICES="/dev/ttySAC1"

Thanks everyone who helped with this release!





Openmoko community mailing list

Fantastic, thank you very much!

I had many problems installing ics4openmoko with previous version of QtMoko on my GTA02. Tonight I will update my phone.

Thank you very much again.

Matteo Zaffo80
Openmoko community mailing list

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