On 03/08/2013 08:45 PM, Fox Mulder wrote:
Am 06.03.2013 14:21, schrieb Ed Kapitein:
The lack of pairing also means a lack of encryption, you have to judge
the impact of that yourself.
Thanks for these instructions.
But the problem is that i want to pair the freerunner with my tablet
where i have no access to a console. So i do need a script or program
which could pair with standard bluetooth devices. I could also install
debian or qtmoko on the freerunner if they are more suited for this
task. So is there any other way of pairing with other devices? :)


You might try the instructions from [1] , based on [2], but i haven't tried it myself.

Kind regards,

[1] http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/GPS_on_the_Neo_1973
[2] http://pavelmachek.livejournal.com/39659.html

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