On Sunday, March 17, 2013 02:10:57 PM Matteo Zaffonato wrote:

> I'm Matteo and I'm the owner of a GTA02. I updated Qtmoko on my phone
> yesterday using the Flash method. Everything was ok and there weren't any
> errors.
> When I booted up the phone there were two issues:
> - When a call is received there is no ringtone, even if the profile is set
> on "General". I tried to install codecs from the website of Qtmoko but the
> problem persists. Also the Media Player is not ok. I tried to install
> mplayer and I was able to listen to a MP3 file.

i will try to reproduce it on my GTA02. Are you using the default ringtone? 
Maybe you can try experimenting with other ringtone - if it plays in media 
player it should work also as ringtone. Btw there the older v48 is available 
[1] if needed.

> - When I ran the command "apt-get upgrade" the upgrade software stopped to
> run on setup of libjpegopen (it looks like frozen after 30 mins, but I was
> able to stop it).

I wonder if there is some space left on the NAND. You can check it in system 
info or with df command.

> Can somebody help me?  I use the GTA02 as daily phone and it is problematic
> not to hear an incoming call.

I think you can use v48 until we reproduce and fix it.



[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/qtmoko/files/OldFiles/

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