On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 11:43 PM, Philip Rhoades <p...@pricom.com.au> wrote:
> Ben,
> On 2013-12-23 09:26, Ben Wong wrote:
>> I'm sure it could; your FreeRunner is a complete computer.
>> The question is if you have the time (or money to hire someone) to
>> write the glue script that will put all the pieces together. Let's
>> see, the parts you'll need are:
>> 1. Check your mail account (fetchmail or python's imaplib)
>> 2. Do a regex check to see if it's "important" (egrep/python/perl/awk/...)
> I can do those bits.
>> 3. Convert it to SMS format
>>     3a. MIME extract (munpack or python's email package)
>>     3b. Optionally remove HTML markup (lynx -dump or Beautiful Soup's
>> get_text() function)
> and probably those bits - actually now that I think about it - there would
> always just be a little bit of text (the messages would always be coming
> from a phone message service) with an appended WAV file so it would have to
> be MMS rather that SMS . .
>> 4. Send it as an SMS messages (dbus to FSO works but may not be "best
>> practices")
> This is the bit I know nothing about . .
> Thanks,
> Phil.

Sending SMS using FSO is very easy:

You can use mdbus2 or dbus-send, or any dbus binding for your language
of choice. SendTextMessage even handles multi-part messages
automatically for you.

I'm not aware of any existing MMS implementation for FSO.

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak, dos

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