
I have an odd issue with one domain on my Imail server.  We are running
Declude with integrated Message Sniffer on Imail 8.22.  All of a sudden, an
automated form from a website will not go to any email account on a specific
domain on the server.  If I have the emails directed to an account with a
different domain name on the same server, the emails are delivered.  When I
check the headers, I am not seeing where the email is failing any tests in
Declude.  I have tried whitelisting the "From" email address and that did
not resolve the issue for the domain either.

The only differences in the two domains is that the domain with the issue
has a static IP address and some custom filtering setup so that their SPAM
emails go to a SPAM folder rather than be deleted.

If anyone has any suggestions of things to check next, I certainly would
appreciate it.


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