I have a test idea but not sure how to implement it. (Suffering from head cold 
for last 5 days so not thinking clearly)

Test to see if the "TO" field in the headers contains more than 3 of the same 
name. Here is an example:

To: daryl <da...@4starelectronics.com>, dave heasman
        <dave.heas...@astute.co.uk>, dave <d...@acceleratedpro.com>, dave
        <d...@noleadtime.com>, dave <d...@rhelectronics.com>, dave
        <d...@spinneratinc.com>, dave <d...@spinneretinc.com>, daved
        <da...@7springselectronics.com>, davek <da...@crosscomponents.com>, 
        <da...@a-tecuk.com>, david <da...@dash1.com>, david
        <da...@hypericflorida.com>, david <da...@oraclecomponents.co.uk>, david
        <da...@questcomp.com>, dawnb <da...@eeea.com>, dawngluskin
        <dawnglus...@soltecelectronics.com>, dbaykal <dbay...@dealzonic.com>, 
        <ddit...@aerospacellc.com>, ddrees <ddr...@idealaero.com>, deans

John T
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