>One Circle complete nutrition garden planning (though at best one UK sized
plot would only get one person through about 5 months of food)

***This should read

One Circle complete nutrition garden planning (Though at best, one UK sized
plot would only get one family of four through about 5 months of usually
chosen food growing in a sustainable way
It's enough for food and soil fertility for one person plus a few other
desired items.)

And I also hit the wrong button before spell check was completed.

Full corrected version

>Next question: In my biointensive minifarming class my final project,

Sounds interesting.  I'd enjoy hearing more about this class.

>to design a permaculture plan for a community garden. How
would you start something like that, especially in the mid-Atlantic area?
Part of the project is to make the argument that a community garden must be
completely organic. People can't just do what they want with their plots
beyond limits. They shouldn't be able to use chemical fertilizer (except
possibly as a one-time addition to get the garden going), they shouldn't be
able to use pesticides or Roundup to kill stuff, etc.

In addition to what's been said, you could also talk about sustainability
and the benefits of that.  Also, I'd make it clear that chemical fertilizer
in the traditional sense would be best avoided, though people might want
various types of rock dust as an initial amendment to provide nutrients that
are missing in that particular piece of land.  Also, you might mention
avoiding animal manures that are laced with herbicides that make it through
the animals' digestive systems from herbicide laced feed.  Any wood
structures need to be made out of nontoxic wood.

***Other Places to Ask***
Before I forget to mention it, let me suggest 3 other lists to ask about
this project on:

1) An International Permaculture list with a number of US permaculturists:

2) UK Permaculture list
I can't remember if this is a listserv or majordomo subscription process or
??? Anyone else remember?
In the UK, the word allotments is used in place of the words community
You might also specifically email Graham Burnett
[EMAIL PROTECTED] who is a member of both Permaculture lists
and who has a plot in a regular community garden/allotment and a second plot
in a permaculture allotment which he is turning into a food forest.  You can
see some of his work and photos at http://www.landandliberty.co.uk/ .

3) UK allotments list

***Permaculture Community Garden Wish List***

Big-many acres
Accessible to users by foot, bicycle, and public transport
Community focus groups for initial and ongoing overall design
Plots-UK sized (30 feet by 100 feet) rather than US sized, allows each
gardener to do more permaculture aspects
Group Pond--maybe do aquaculture there too
Amphitheater area for classes, concerts, weddings with landscaped back drops
for photography
Covered area for classes and events--Have seen this done as a building and
also by having a wall planter for the outside of the building with trees
growing in it along with a dome arbor being covered by hops vines
Small campground for multiday workshop participants
Community kitchen, Grill
Restrooms including showers
Fencing to keep out deer, rabbits, raccoons, vandals, groundhogs
Water to each plot
Greywater treatment creek and pond and/or greywater pumped to group
A live on site manager with enough land at the manager's site for a family
Bird houses--focus on insect and rodent eating birds, bat houses
Group ordering
Group processing tools of various sorts such as oil pressing, seed cleaning
Really big and wild dream wish--A garden cafe supplied by an onsite
permaculture biointensive four season harvest minifarm with hired gardeners
and cafe workers and 90% of food grown onsite. Open to gardeners and general
public. All whole foods made from scratch menu.

~~~Community Plantings~~~
I've often thought that it would be helpful to have a section of plantings
that benefit everyone, and which are managed by knowledgeable people, and
which might not be as suitable for individual plots.  People wanting to
share in produce could work together under the direction of that section's
expert and split the yield in proportion to labor provided. Items might
Fruit and nut orchard
Fruit and nut hedgerow--could hide the fence and serve as a windbreak too
In some places brambles are mixed into the hedgerow and it IS the fence.
However this makes it a bit dicey for the human user.
Bamboo  (contained planting) for stakes and fishing poles
Coppiced Willow for basketry material--Wouldn't it be fun to carry home the
day's produce in a basket or pack made in the garden?
Rice paddy--See the Power of Duck for ideas
Herb nursery--food, dye, medicinal where people could harvest cuttings and
seeds for their own plots
Coppiced wood for furniture, building, trellis, arbors, sheds, greenhouses
and group drying and sawing facilities
Coppiced wood for firewood
On site nursery
Donation garden for local food banks, cafes, and centers

~~~Individual Plots~~~
Permaculture and biointensive plantings and site design
Collaboration between adjacent plot holders--Perhaps to run trees along the
north side or put them at adjacent corners of four plots
Small sheds and green houses, trellis, arbors
Water collected from roof of sheds and greenhouses and kept mosquito free
Four season harvesting techniques
Heirloom seeds, non hybrid seeds, seed saving
Small animal raising, beehives

~~~Workshops, Classes, Training~~~
Community building
Basic Gardening
Four season harvesting
Orchards, Grafting
Food shrubs and vines
One Circle complete nutrition garden planning (Though at best one UK sized
plot would only get one family of four through about 5 months of usually
chosen food growing in a sustainable way.  It's enough for food and soil
fertility for one person plus a few other desired items.)
Food crops of other ethnic groups and countries (Other can be anything
depending on what your group members are familiar with.  Good place to start
is with foods that grow well in your area and from the expertise of your
community's gardeners and cooks.)
Cooking with food crops of other ethnic groups and countries
Greenhouse design, building, and use
Shed construction
Arbor, trellis construction, children's bean tepee
Water permeable path construction
Solar and Rocket stove construction and use
Herb growing and various classes aimed at utilizing them for food, dye,
medicine, soap
Hybridizing, seed saving
Fiber growing and processing (Cloth, Paper)
Food dryers and drying
Canning--basic and value added like salsa and jam
Fermenting--pickles, sauerkraut and kim chee, beer, wine
Mushroom logs and beds
Simple instrument making such as bamboo flutes, drums, gourd rattles
Chicken tractors
Beekeeping, honey processing, candle making
Oil pressing
Growing and processing plants for biofuels
Classes, perhaps focused in the winter, where gardeners share their other
knowledge which might be less directly garden related such as languages,
playing garden grown instruments, weaving your fiber, Ukrainian style egg
decoration  (using the garden's beeswax and dye plants with the eggshells
from the inhabitants of the chicken tractor), garden planning and record
keeping using computer databases and programs, converting motors to
biofuels, bicycle powered tool conversions


The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one of ACGA's 
services to community gardeners. To learn more about the ACGA and to find out 
how to join, please go to http://www.communitygarden.org

To post an e-mail to the list:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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