Alaska On Line: Gardening in Alaska

Web posted Sunday, April 11, 2004 

Gardeners share tips for getting plants growing 

By Phil Hermanek 
As springtime brings longer days and warmer temperatures, gardening 
enthusiasts in many parts of the country look out their kitchen windows at the 
plot of 
spare ground that soon will become this year's garden. 
They're already planning which vegetables to plant, whether rows of flowers 
will be interspersed among them and the more adventurous are envisioning rows 
of herbs for salads and cooking. 
Here on the Kenai Peninsula, though, the enthusiasts look out and see a foot 
or more of snow still covering the solidly frozen ground. 

Yet something deep inside that stirs the passion to incite the growing 
process within each dormant little seed pushes the Alaska gardener out into the 
greenhouse where heaters and a variety of plastic and treated-glass panels 
maximize the benefit of the sun's heat, keeping temperatures at a warm 70 to 75 
The customary little noises that gardeners make while dutifully filling each 
tiny seed cup with regular soil, an organic soil known as perlite or some 
other suitable base for life's beginnings, emanate from within the handy 
fortresses that protect the seedlings while waiting for Mother Nature to catch 
up to 
the northern reaches of gardening's muse. 

Carolyn Chapman, who's been gardening in Soldotna since 1977, also enjoys a 
bit of recorded light classical music as she toils. 
She and her husband, Jerry, began gardening in Alaska in Anchorage in 1972 
when Jerry was assigned there with the Air Force. 
Because they choose to grow everything from seeds rather than from purchased 
starter plants, and because Alaska's growing season is short compared to most 
areas of the United States, the Chapmans' greenhouse allows them to jump start 
the process. 
"Now we grow everything from seed, unless things fail. Then we run into town 
to get plants," Carolyn Chapman said. 
When she starts depends on what she starts. 

"Every year in Alaska is different," she said. "It's a learning situation 
every year. 

"One year, our sunflowers did better than any I had ever grown," said the 
North Carolina native, who has been growing things most of her adult life. 
Her advice is for people to read each individual seed packet to determine the 
length of time it takes specific seeds to germinate, when seedlings should be 
transplanted outdoors and how long it takes for plants to reach maturity. 
As a general rule of thumb, she said the ground should be warm and clumps of 
dirt should be able to be crumbled in your hands before you plant things 
outside. Then the garden plot should be rototilled several times, again with 
goal being to put warmth into the soil. 
Chapman lists five things to remember for successful Alaska gardening 
"Number one is warmth. Plants need warmth," she said. "On average, Memorial 
Day is a good time to begin moving things outdoors. Rototill three or four 
times and make the soil warm. 
"Then condition the plants from greenhouse to ground. Put them outside for a 
while each day and take them in at night when the temperature drops," she 
Number two on her list is sunlight. For germination, some seeds need a lot of 
light, while others need nearly opaque mesh blankets to keep light out. 
Third on the list is water. 
Read the package, she said. 
Instructions for the frequency and amount of watering varies for each type of 
Fourth on the list is air circulation. 
"In the greenhouse, it's important to keep the air moving around the plants," 
she said. 
And lumped together as number five are food, love and care. 
"I'm an advocate for teaching gardening to children," she said. "I tell them 
plants are just like children. There's a baby in every seed." 
When reminded that a fellow Soldotna gardening couple, Clayton and Juanita 
Hillhouse, place a moose-proofing fence at the top of their tip list for Alaska 
gardeners, Chapman nods and smiles. 
She grows an assortment of vegetables, greens and herbs and adds flowers, but 
only to the betterment of the vegetables or if the flowers are edible. She's 
also successfully grown cantaloupe and watermelon in the greenhouse. 
"People shouldn't be afraid of gardening," she said. "No one knows 
everything. Gard-eners learn from each other." 
Chapman recommends visiting the Soldotna Farm-ers' Market, which sets up 
every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. from the second week of June until the 
second week of September at the Soldotna Elementary School bus turnaround. 
Area gardeners offer their produce for sale there all summer and can be 
depended on for some good, solid local advice. 
Part of the group that started the market in the summer of 1992, the 
Hillhouses currently work out of three hothouses in the Mackey Lake area, 
two relatively high-tech hydroponic greenhouses, allowing them to keep crops 
such as basil going year-round. 
Juanita Hillhouse starts the basil plants in perlite, and after a good root 
system is established, transfers them to the hydroponic system ‹ a series of 
cups seated in holes cut into the top side of long pipes carrying 
nutrient-enriched water. 
Despite what the weather's like outside, the hydroponic hothouse, heated by 
two self-contained natural-gas heat-ers, already has allowed the Hillhouses' 
basil to begin sprouting. 
"The three main nutrients are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous," Clayton 
Hill-house said. 
Although he built the watering system with its web of plastic piping that 
runs throughout the 16- by 20-foot hothouse, the couple refers to this building 
as Juanita's. 
Another, two-story greenhouse with an unusual spiral staircase in the center 
leading up to a breakfast deck, also is referred to as hers, and a third, 
35-by-55-foot greenhouse is Clayton's. 
"Just like a garage, no matter what size greenhouse you build, it's never big 
enough," Juanita said. 
The couple moved to Soldotna 27 years ago and began gardening two years 
later. What began as a love for watching life unfold has turned into a business 
venture, though Clayton retains his mainstay business as an electrical general 
In the 16-by-16-foot, two-story greenhouse, which is attached to the couple's 
home, Juanita already has red sails lettuce, rocket arugula, leeks, dill, 
parsley, cilantro and garden crest seeds sprouting. 
Always a debatable date among Alaska gardeners, Clayton figures transplanting 
to the outdoor garden should occur during the first week of June. 
Some plants that won't leave the protection of the tall greenhouse are Cuban 
or-egano, sage, garlic chive and tomatoes all in hanging baskets. 
While the couple has had past success growing such rare fruits in Alaska as 
papayas, things aren't looking too promising for a lone banana tree they've 
been nurturing along. 
In "Clayton's Greenhouse," the focus is on tomatoes. Again using a hydroponic 
system for delivering nutrients to the plants, tomatoes are started and grown 
in perlite. 
"When they get second, true leaves, and they have a good strong root system, 
it's time to move them to the larger, three-gallon bags filled with perlite," 
Clayton said. 
There the plants remain until maturity. 
When in full swing, that means 1,000 tomato plants. 
This year, Clayton is planning to grow 300 tomato plants in a tube system 
similar to Juanita's basil plant setup and anticipates vines reaching 30 feet 
The couple sells many of their plants at the farmers' market and to area 
stores and restaurants, as well as providing crops to WIC, the emergency food 
assistance program for Women, Infants and Children. 
The crops provide for the expense of heating and lighting the greenhouses and 
for supplies and required business liability insurance. 

The Hillhouses' advice to beginning gardeners: "Put up a fence." 
Once the moose are removed from the garden's picture, the couple recommends 
starting broccoli and cauliflower in the house and planting seedlings outside 
when it's warm. 
Carrots and peas do well if started from seed outdoors, they said. 
If the budding gardener leans toward having a greenhouse, their advice would 
be to have a big one. 
Next door to the Hillhouses lives another gardening couple ‹ Pat and Dewey 
Their specialty is potted flowers, mostly petunias. 
Grown in three hothouses, the newest of which sports ultraviolet coated 
polycarbonate panels that resemble a lightly tinted glass window, all the 
are sold at the farmers' market and the proceeds go to buying Christ-mas gifts 
for children in the community. 
They get names of needy kids from the Birch Ridge Community Church, Pat 
Halsey said. Last year they gave gifts to 58 kids. 
"Each one got a new jacket, two changes of clothes, two games, two toys, a 
school-supply box and books." 
The couple has been doing the charitable gardening work for 15 years. 
"It started as a hobby when I had some physical problems and I couldn't 
sleep," Pat said. 
Though the couples seldom agree on what plants to plant and just when to 
plant them, the results of their labor make it apparent they share a love for 
watching things grow from seed to beautiful  and often tasty  products. 

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