I know we've had this discussion before from different angles, but I still have 
a question or two.
For various and sundry reasons, I'm investigating use of "plastic lumber" in 
the use of 4 X 8 foot garden beds.  There are a bizillion different places that 
sell these kits for use in raised beds.  
If you have experience in this material, would you please address one or more 
of the following questions?
Have any of you tried these and:
1) what was the cost (include both the kit cost and transportation)
2) how long did they last
3) were they easy to put up
4) was the weight similar to wood products (or lighter, heavier)
5) were they easy to cut if you needed to make changes
6) are there any companies you actively recommend or conversely, strongly 
suggest avoiding
7) any other suggestions / comments you might have?
What I'm hunting for here is practical experience consensus.  Hopefully by 
tapping into the listserv's expertise, I can find that agreement.
Thanks for helping!
Connie Nelson
Spokane, WA

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