This is an update for interested ACGA listserve members:


We in NYC are expecting many gardens to be bulldozed when Attorney General 
Spitzer's community garden lawsuit against the City of New York is settled. Of 
the 146-odd gardens in question, a goodly number will be demolished. The Hon. 
Mr. Addabo, the  NYC Council Parks chair (as urged by the mayor's office and 
special pleadings by local real estate interests) has killed NYC Council Intro 
206,  effectively delaying hearings about gardens until after the settlement is 
finalized. The NYC Council community garden hearings, if they are ever held, 
look to be a post-mortem and wake rather than a viable forum to save and/or 
preserve gardens. 

Like  many of us who have been proponents of the previous three garden bills, I 
realize that  it is no good to cry over delayed or killed community garden 
legislation - enough tears will now be shed over bulldozed gardens or by 
nightstick induced headaches.   
FYI, the attached missive is about a Civil Disobediance training that took 
place last Saturday in Brooklyn.  Please contact Mr. Mark Leger at the address 
or e-mail address below if you are interested in participating in these 
trainings or protests.

Best wishes,
Adam Honigman

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Leger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 8:56 AM
Subject: CYBERGARDENS: Report on CD training

News from the CYBERGARDENS mailing list 

Hey everybody,

I'm writing to give a brief report on the civil disobedience training that
happened this Saturday in Prospect Park in Brooklyn.

We had a surprisingly good turnout, despite the rain and the unsettled
nature of the lawsuit negotiations. What was especially nice to see was that
the people who came reflected the true face of community garden: they were
mostly not the young, white college kids that have been the main
participants in previous garden civil disobedience actions (with the
exception of the Earthshaking Protest and Civil Disobedience that occurred
on May 5, 1999).

One of the purposes of this training was to try out a "standard curriculum"
for garden civil disobedience trainings. We kept the training to two hours,
and tailored the information to garden defense. If you've ever been to one
of these things, you know that role playing is an important part. First we
presented the history and effectiveness of CD (think Thoreau, Martin Luther
King, and, well, the garden movement in NYC), plus the legal stuff, plus
some pointers on working with the media. After more than an hour of this
stuff, participants' eyes (understanably) glazed over. But then we
role-played a demonstration, and people *really* got into it. And they
really got it.

Much thanks to Mac Scott from the Peoples' Law Collective for coming to
cover the legal stuff, and for prodding me how to play a commanding officer.

Finally, we are eager to do this training at other venues. If anybody has a
garden for which they think this would be helpful, please let us know. Also,
we're looking for more largish, indoor spaces to do these trainings. If you
can help us out with that, we would be much obliged.



Mark Leger
148 Sterling Place
Brooklyn, NY 11217
(347)581-6197 cell

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