Chutney Reader Inaugural Edition - December 2002
Plain text format

*    Wayne Roberts Goes on a Welfare Diet-- And Eats his Words
*    The Mandate of His Life:  Lula Targets Zero Hunger
*    Free Lunch for High School Students
*    Booming Organic Movement Navel-Gazes at Victoria Conference
*    Achieving World Domination through the Media
*    ... And Through Effective Advocacy
*    More about the Chutney Reader:  Who we are, subscribe/unsubscribe, etc.
Welcome to the first edition of Chutney Reader, a spicy mix of food news,
analysis and tips for all you underpaid, overworked staff and volunteers in
community-based food programs-- as well as all of you unaffiliated folks who
are just interested in food issues from soup to nuts.
We'll be reporting from the food security front  line: the latest trends,
innovations, program models in nutrition, agriculture and food justice. We
might even throw in a recipe or two. We intend the Chutney Reader to act as
resource that will provoke and inspire you to take creative action to build
a food system that truly nourishes people and communities.
Please help us out and let us know if you want to receive this as html or
plain text.([EMAIL PROTECTED]) If you're  having troubles reading this,
or if something's buggy - we're still working it out. 

Chutney Reader Inaugural Edition - December 2002

*    Wayne Roberts Goes on a Welfare Diet-- And Eats his Words
*    The Mandate of His Life:  Lula Targets Zero Hunger
*    Free Lunch for High School Students
*    Booming Organic Movement Navel-Gazes at Victoria Conference
*    Achieving World Domination through the Media
*    ... And Through Effective Advocacy
*    More about the Chutney Reader:  Who we are, subscribe/unsubscribe, etc.
Welcome to the first edition of Chutney Reader, a spicy mix of food news,
analysis and tips for all you underpaid, overworked staff and volunteers in
community-based food programs-- as well as all of you unaffiliated folks who
are just interested in food issues from soup to nuts.
We'll be reporting from the food security front  line: the latest trends,
innovations, program models in nutrition, agriculture and food justice. We
might even throw in a recipe or two. We intend the Chutney Reader to act as
resource that will provoke and inspire you to take creative action to build
a food system that truly nourishes people and communities.
For those of you who have difficulty reading html, we're attaching an rtf
version as well - please help us out and let us know ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
if you're still having troubles reading this, or if something's buggy -
we're still working it out.  If you're forwarding to a list, the rtf will
probably work better.

Wayne Roberts Goes on a Welfare Diet-- And Eats his Words
"When I went on a welfare diet last week, I didn¹t realize just how quickly
I would have to swallow my pride. At the request of Daily Bread Food Bank,
about 20 politicians, journalists and policy wonks agreed to try eating on
the same budget as people on social assistance. Having preached ³voluntary
simplicity² for years, I figured our family of three could make do with a
weekly food allowance of $49.95, the amount of a welfare cheque for three
that Daily Bread said would be left after paying $690 for rent, $18 for TTC
tickets, $6.60 for a basic phone, and $10.45 for laundry, personal (soap,
toothpaste) and household (cleaners, toilet paper) goods...."
Full story:

The Mandate of His Life:  Lula Targets Zero Hunger
³If every Brazilian can have three meals a day when my mandate expires, I
will have carried out the mandate of my life.²  President-elect Luiz Ignacio
"Lula" da Silva has pledged to eliminate hunger in Brazil, using a
multidimensional, pragmatic approach that aims for long-term structural
change to the country's food security, as well as short-term solutions.  The
obstacles are huge: Brazil is beset by IMF structural adjusters, massive
poverty, debt, inflation and jumpy investors-- not to mention a hostile
superpower to the north who has nerve-wrackingly called the government
part of a new Latin American "axis of evil."  So can Lula do it?  Well, at
least he's trying.
Full story:

Free Lunch for High School Students
Most student nutrition programs are based in elementary schools.  But we all
know high school students have mouths on them too.  Obesity and
eating disorders are growing problems in our society, yet fries and coke
seem to be the best we can offer in high school cafeterias.  The Contact
Alternative School's popular breakfast and lunch program demonstrates how
vital practical food supports can be for youth--
especially those marginalized by poverty and other issues. 
Full story:

Booming Organic Movement Navel-Gazes at Victoria Conference
The organic food sector:  a growing movement or growth industry?  Organic
food sales continue to grow at a rate of 15-20% per year, but as the
corporate food players start to jump into the game long-term organic
advocates, who believe in a holistic philosophy of agriculture, worry that
key principles are being compromised. Wayne Roberts reports from the IFOAM
Full story: conference.htm

Achieving World Domination through the Media
Feel like you should be running the world, but media seem determined to
ignore your great ideas and worthy programs?  Need some publicity but the
thought of approaching journalists makes you sweat? You need a pep talk and
some practical tips. Kathryn Scharf talks to senior journalist Laurie
Monsebraaten of the Toronto Star about her do's and don'ts for megalomaniac
community groups.
Full story:

... And Through Effective Advocacy
If you want to know the way to the heart of a politician, who better to ask
than the politician herself? Toronto Councillor Pam McConnell (albeit a
soft-hearted specimen) has many years experience of community groups
approaching her for support for their programs and issues, and shares some
sound tips for would-be community lobbyists.
Full story:

Just who is this"we": The Chutney Reader is a bi-monthly co-production of
FoodShare Toronto and the Toronto Food Policy Council, edited by Kathryn
Scharf (soon to be on maternity leave, so thereafter by Jennifer Reynolds).
Feedback and submissions are welcomed; please send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
along with requests to subscribe or unsubscribe-- please indicate "subscribe
(or unsubscribe)" in the subject line.
The scope of topics of the Chutney Reader is wide-ranging, so consider
subscribing whether or not you live in Toronto. FoodShare has another email
list for local news and events, for which you can sign up by sending an
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with the words "subscribe (or
unsubscribe) local news" in the subject line.
For those who'd like to keep  their finger right on the everyday pulse of
food issues, the Toronto Food Policy Council operates a list-serve that puts
out daily articles on a wide range of topics related to food. To subscribe,
The Chutney Reader is part of a larger online "Learning Centre" project,
which will be launched shortly. It will include a resources and publications
database, as well as food program how-to kits and online workshops. Thanks
to the Volunteer Action Online program of the Province of Ontario's Ministry
of Citizenship, Culture and Education for the funding support necessary to
make this project possible. 
Bookmark us at if you want to keep abreast of learning
centre developments.
Please let us know at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  if you are having trouble
viewing the newsletter in html or rtf format‹it¹s still a work in progress,
and we¹d appreciate your help. 

The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one of ACGA's 
services to community gardeners. To learn more about the ACGA and to find out 
how to join, please go to

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