Plastic lumber: I for one support the development of uses for plastic
lumber. As long as we buy things in plastic containers we need to support
some type of recycled plastic product. One way or the other landfills are
going to fill up. If we can recycle and reuse plastic then we at least have
given it a longer life span before it becomes useless to us. On the other
hand, I would be a bigger supporter of NOT purchasing plastic packaged
products whenever possible and thus cutting down on their use.
Government support of CGs: A couple of gardens in Nashville, TN have
received grants from the city's office of neighborhoods for specific, time
limited projects -- hardscape (benches, pathways), hoop house to grow tomato
plants. These grants enable the gardens to complete specific projects and
still remain self-reliant and self-directed. Some of the gardens are on
government property - Dept. of Education land, Dept. of Transportation
easement along an interstate, and adult learning center campus. Given the
tales from the cities I have been reading about on this list, I feel
strongly that government support needs to be a last option for community
gardens if they are to survive in the long run. If you own the garden
property then it cannot be taken from you, obviously. If you pay the water,
purchase the tools, etc. then you don't need reoccurring government
financial support. I suggest that CGs have goals to purchase their land, or
to have neighborhood associations purchase the land so as to maintain
control over it. This is yet another reason for only starting CGs in areas
that have immediate buy-in from area residents. Too  many gardens in
Nashville have failed over the years because they were started by people
from outside of the neighborhood and failed to get resident support. It is
one of the worst failing of liberalism to give people something "because it
is good for them" when they don't see it as a priority need for themselves.
As much as I love community gardens, I have to admit that many times a
community has greater needs -- freedom from violence, decent housing,
transportation to jobs, child care, education -- sure, CGs help with these
issues but I can't see telling someone who is worried about a child dodging
bullets every day that a garden should be their greatest desire! (just a few
soapbox thoughts on this winter morning...)
Julie Berbiglia
Organic Garden Coordinator
Scarritt-Bennett Center
1008 19th Avenue South
Nashville, TN  37212-2166

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