
This is a difficulty for our small program as well (24 gardens and 2 full
time staff).  We have discussed it with gardeners and they feel that the
tilling is one of the most valuable services that we offer to established
gardens.  So despite all the gripes and "when are you going to..." calls,
they are generally happy for the service.  We do limit each garden to one
tilling in spring and a fall plow down.

My question to you is are you trying to offset cost of staff time or to
encourage more independence?  I have a feeling that if you actually charged
the cost of your staff time, it would be more than gardeners want to pay
(?).  I know some cg programs do hire out the service though.  Maybe they
will reply too.

Good luck.

Tom Dietrich
Grow With Your Neighbors
Dayton, OH

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 16:44:18 GMT
Subject: [cg] offering tilling as part of community garden services

Hi all,
I manage a large (39 gardens/600 gardeners) community gardening program in
upstate New York. We have always offered free tilling as part of our
services, and at present charge our gardeners a very low sign-up fee ($10).
As we've grown, we have continued to offer tilling at no charge to our
gardeners, though it taxes our small staff considerably and gives gardeners
a reason to inundate us with calls in the spring (why haven't you tilled my
garden yet? when will you till my plot? i haven't had a good season because
you tilled so late....).

I would like to institute a fee-for service policy as regards tilling and
wonder if a)anyone else has faced this issue and b)if so, what a fair-market
price might be for such a service.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts you might have on the great tilling

Marci Nelligan


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