On talk radio here in Penna. a man reminded the listeners that if they
wanted to plan any changes it begins with who is in the municipal, county
and state offices.  The three weeks to gather signatures on your petitions
to be on the ballot in the primary began a few days ago here in Penna.

 If a community gardener sits as a city council person or county
commissioner, your requests for land use will be given a fair hearing.  Our
primary is in May.  Check the League of Women Voters web site for the
process in each state and please realize that you won't have to go a begging
for the right to grow food if you are the elected official making the

Food is the reason for war.  White men came to America before it was America
not just for freedom of religion but because they were prevented from owning
land for earning a living or planting food.  Because the colonies were so
far away from the lords who were "given" the lands of the "Indians" and far
across the sea, we had the right to have guns for defense and hunting.
(meat and guns were the purview of the aristocracy in the old world) Food,
shelter and clothing come from the earth so get elected so other gardeners
have a friend in the statehouse.

Helen Steely
Harrisburg, Pa.

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