I discovered a method for harvesting worms from my compost bin that
works for me. 


First of all, don't feed the worms for a week or so.  Then put some food
scraps into a mesh bag (the kind that's used to package onions or
something similar).  Bury the bag in the worm bin, and pull it out two
or three days later.  It should be full of worms.  You will still find a
few worms in the remaining compost.


A similar method is to push all of the castings toward one side of the
bin.  Put some fresh food scraps on the other side of the bin with some
fresh bedding.  In a week, scoop the castings out of the bin.


I have limited experience with multi-tier bins, so I hope I don't insult
your intelligence by making suggestions. If your worms are not migrating
upward, perhaps each tier is not full enough for the worms to crawl up
to the next tray.  You may have already thought of this, but remember
that the worms will only move upward when there is no food left in their
current tray.  If the worms are not moving upward, the above harvesting
suggestions may need to be repeated in each tier of the bin.


I do have a bit more worm composting information on my web site at


Corrie Zoll

Minneapolis, MN


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: [cg] worms


Can anyone tell me what is the best way to harvest the castings from
worms.  The last time I put the casting on a screen and as the worms
came to the top I pulled them out and put them back in my worm bin.  I
have a three tier worm composter and the worms are supposed to move to
the top as the fresh food is put in the top tiers.  This does not
happen.  What do you worm keepers do?

Dianna in cold New Hampshire

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