Dear Friends,


This is a wonderful success story. While many Community Gardens are threatened around the nation, the only Community Garden in Livermore will be staying…for as long as we are around! Around 3 years ago the decision was made to convert the gardens into two volleyball courts and a basketball court. Three years later, many people were still not happy with the decision so we kept fighting. Yesterday evening, the decision was made to leave the Community Gardens where they have been for 23 years. The key to our success, I believe, was the broad support of the community. Most of the people speaking in favor of leaving the gardens at their current location were not gardeners. This shows that community gardens in general are not only about those who are lucky enough to have a plot, they are about community, about sharing and caring, and about being in touch with oneself and with nature.


I am thrilled with the opportunity to keep tilling my plot, but more than that, I am happy to know and feel that when communities get together, things like this can happen. To anyone fighting this uphill battle…keep fighting! Develop a network around you with neighbors, and people in general, no matter where they come from, and above all, NEVER give up! There are people out there that want to help; it is just a matter of communicating, networking, and advertising.


Thank you everyone for your kind words of support, and for those that actively participated in the meetings, petitions and the like…THANK YOU! This was a wonderful show of community effort!




Begoña Cirera

"Think Globally, Garden Locally"

"Community Gardens = Sustainability"

"Community Gardens + Community Center = Happy Community "


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