
I just wanted to commend Ms.Begona Cirera for organizing the efforts of many 
in order to protect the Community Gardens in Livermore, California. 

I myself got involved very late in the game, only after seeing her postings 
here on the Community Garden LISTSERV and noticing an article about her and the 
situation in a local newspaper.   

Ms. Cirera did an excellent job recruiting people to attend the necessary 
city department board meetings and helped supporters organize their efforts in 
order to develop a "plan of action". She is indeed an enthusiastic leader, and 
true advocate for community gardens. 

I would suggest to the organizers of any Community Garden, that finds itself 
in a similar position as the folks in Livermore, that they consider contacting 
Ms. Cirera for advice or support. She is definitely someone you would want on 
your team! 

Congratulations to Begona and to all of the members of the Community Gardens 
in Livermore on your recent success!  

Connie Kelly

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