-----Original Message-----
From: Rachel Bruhnke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 6:16 PM
To: 6/2003-ag.
Subject: Invite to Cuba: Sustainable agriculture and fair tradedelegation, Oct. 


Spring/Summer 2003

Dear Colleague,

We are inviting you to participate in a special U.S. delegation being organized 
to examine:


Finding sustainable models in agriculture and trade for People and the Planet


Oct. 18 - 27, 2003 


EUR  Cuba has been selected for special recognition by the United Nations 
Environmental Program (UNEP) because of the extraordinary progress it has made 
during the last decade in creating model programs in sustainable development.  

EUR  In 1999 the Cuban Association of Organic Agriculture received the 
alternative Nobel Prize known as the "Right Livelihood" Award for its 
comprehensive conversion from chemical to organic agriculture.

EUR  The delegation is a unique opportunity to gain an understanding of Cuba's 
environmental policies and programs; the significance of the Cuban model to 
other countries of the developing world; and how professionals from the 
developed world can work together with their Cuban counterparts to promote 
sustainability world wide.

* Additionally, the delegation will examine the issue of fair trade and 
international markets for organic products. Cuban organic sugar, chocolate and 
coffee (also shade grown) will be topics of discussion and site visits.


* University of Havana School of Agriculture 
* Cuba's Association of Organic Agriculture
* ViƱales Valley reforestation projects and shade grown, organic coffee 
* Urban organic gardens and model "one hectare" garden
* Visits to discuss Cuba's system of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
* Institute for the Investigation of Tropical Agriculture (INIFAT), the second 
agricultural institute in Latin America 
* Permaculture design through the Foundation for Nature and Humanity 
* Large organic agriculture cooperative 
EUR   Vermiculture site in Pinar del Rio, organic medicinal herb institute and 
other sites of interest 
* Las Terrazas intentional community and Sierra Rosario Bioreserve 
* PROVINCE VISIT: Either Cienfuegos (rural permaculture) or Baracoa, Guantanamo
      (organic chocolate)


Participants will leave from Miami, Florida on October 18 for the flight to 
Havana. Travel arrangements will be made by Global Exchange Reality Tours, a 
licensed Cuba travel service provider with fourteen years experience organizing 
educational Cuba tours.  As professionals and/or participants on an educational 
trip, you will be fully licensed to participate in this delegation.

The cost of the delegation will be $2,100.  This includes round-trip airfare 
from Miami to Havana; two meals per day; accommodation at a three star hotel; 
full program with translators and tour guides; all in-country programmed 
transportation; attention to participants' individual professional requests; 
background reading materials; and a one-year membership to Global Exchange.

You can print out an application form from:


Global Exchange is a non-profit research, education, and action center 
dedicated to promoting people-to-people ties around the world. Since our 
founding in 1988, we have been striving to increase global awareness among the 
US public while building international partnerships around the world. 

Global Exchange has been involved in sustainable development projects in Cuba 
for many years. We have been continually impressed, as have participants on the 
many previous delegations, with Cuba's unique and ever broadening approach to 
meeting its food, medicine, and energy needs in an integrated and sustainable 

More about Global Exchange: http://www.globalexchange.org

Eco Cuba Exchange is a program within the Cuba Department of Global Exchange. 
We work to develop cooperative relationships, shared learning and friendly ties 
among scientists, professionals, students and organizations in the US and in 
Cuba who have a common interest in environmental protection and in sustainable 
human and resource development. This is seen as but one of many strategies to 
not only normalize relations between our two countries, but also to promote 
cooperation in solving problems common to all of humanity and to the planet.

We invite you to become involved in current and future interchange with our 
Cuban ecological counterparts through our Eco Cuba Exchange program. We promote 
exchanges with the large community of specialists in Cuba who are developing 
policies, strategies and projects in sustainable development.  The possibility 
exists for long term U.S.- Cuba exchanges of great depth and breadth in these 
fields, and for the promotion of peaceful, productive and important exchange 
between our peoples. We welcome you to join us in this effort.

Articles on Sustainable Development in Cuba:


Rachel Bruhnke, Coordinator
Eco Cuba Exchange Program
Global Exchange [EMAIL PROTECTED]

U.S. Mailing Address:
Eco Cuba-Rachel
c/o Global Exchange
2017 Mission Street, Suite #303
San Francisco, CA 94708
Phone 415-255-7296, ext 354

To learn more about the delegation and this exciting project, please reply to 
Rachel above, typing an "X"  beside one or both of the categories on the form 
below, along with your name and contact information.

___  Yes I am interested in participating in the sustainable agriculture 
delegation.  Please send me the application form.

___  Yes I am interested in learning about future opportunities to engage in 
interchange with Cuban environmental specialists in the areas of health, 
agriculture, energy as well as general environmental projects.  Please add me 
to your mailing list.

Full Name:    
Profession/ Organization:    
Street Address:    
City. State, and Zip Code:    
Telephone Number(s):    
Email Address:

Is it Legal to Travel to Cuba?

Global Exchange is a licensed Cuba Travel Service Provider.  In addition, 
specific educational travel licenses are obtained from the U.S. Treasury 
Department for each Reality Tour.  For more information:


Cost: $2,100 from Miami

Price includes:

* Roundtrip Airfare from Miami to Cuba 
* License to travel and visa 
* Double room accommodations in a three star hotel 
* Transportation within Cuba 
* Breakfast and Dinner 
* Translation of all programs 
* Expert U.S. and Cuban trip leader guides 
* Preparatory reading materials 
* Individual meetings to match your particular interests 
* One-year membership to Global Exchange 

How to Register: 

We must receive your application and a non-refundable deposit of $200 two 
months before departure. A late fee of $50 will be applied to late 
applications. Payments by Mastercard or Visa are welcome. 

This trip will be as diverse as possible in terms of race, age and life 
experiences. We strongly urge people of color to apply. In some cases, a 
limited number of partial scholarships are available for low-income applicants. 

Contact Rachel with any questions about this trip. Or call us toll-free at 

You can print out an application form directly from this page:

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