Our list moderator asked me to re-post this job listing in a more suitable 
format.  Please post, and distribute far and wide.


Green Institute Position Opening - Deadline August 6, 2004
The Green Institute is pleased to announce that applications are currently 
being accepted for a newly-created project manager position in our GreenSpace 
Partners program.  GreenSpace Partners works with volunteers and with other 
organizations in Minneapolis and Saint Paul to encourage community development 
through green space.  Projects include community gardens, neighborhood tree 
planting projects, city park projects, commercial corridor flower plantings, 
rooftop gardens, rain gardens, boulevard gardens, composting projects, rain 
barrel projects, and other urban green space projects.

The project manager will staff the development of a Twin Cities Community 
Gardening Sustainability Plan.  The project manager will be supported by an 
advisory committee composed by GreenSpace Partners Program Director Corrie 
Zoll, Anna Wasescha of Farm in the City, and Vicky Vogels of the Minnesota 
State Horticultural Society's Minnesota Green program.  These three individuals 
convene the Twin Cities Greening Coalition.
The Twin Cities Greening Coalition is an informal group of gardening and 
greening programs based in the Twin Cities.  TCGC works to identify local 
greening issues that can be best addressed as a coalition.  TCGC hosts periodic 
gardening and greening workshop series, and publishes and annual Twin Cities 
Community Gardening and Greening Resource Guide.
Responsibilities will include:
* Identifying stakeholders in the Twin Cities community gardening movement.  
These will include individual community gardeners, garden groups, neighborhood 
organizations, block clubs, municipal and county agencies, non-profits and 
* Identifying stakeholder needs.  We expect these to include liability 
insurance, infrastructure needs (water, lumber, fencing, compost), and 
organizational support. 
* Developing a stable communication method for stakeholders.  This might 
include an e-mail listserv, a print newsletter, and/or a telephone tree. 
* Identifying organizational models for supporting community gardens in other 
cities.  These will include public and private programs, cooperative models and 
other scenarios. 
* Identifying funding mechanisms for supporting community gardens in other 
* Building stakeholder investment into the planning process through events and 
other methods. 
* Working with stakeholders to identify a model for best addressing stakeholder 
* Developing a plan to implement the model. 
This position will be full-time at 40 hours per week.  Schedule can be somewhat 
flexible, and will sometimes include evenings and weekends.  The salary range 
for this position is $22,000 - $28,000 per year, plus benefits, depending on 

Qualifications should include experience in working with multiple stakeholders, 
knowledge of community gardening or related areas, ability to communicate 
effectively in writing and face-to-face, ability to work independently on an 
extensive project.  B.A. or equivalent work experience.  

Please send a cover letter and resume (e-mail is preferred) to:
Corrie Zoll
The Green Institute
2801 21st Avenue South, Suite 110
Minneapolis, MN 55407

The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one of ACGA's 
services to community gardeners. To learn more about the ACGA and to find out 
how to join, please go to http://www.communitygarden.org

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