Just thought that I would give you a couple of reading lists on NYC books
for those of you who like to read as well as use your trowels. 
Before you get into the lists below, I have a few suggestions: 
Auchincloss, Louis - Some of you may have read his Rector of Justin years
back, but for me, the cream of this Jamesian  New York patrician's New
York's oeuvre are his short story collections: Portrait in Brownstone ,
Diary of a Yuppie, Tales of Manhattan, The Atonement , Skinny Island: More
Tales of Manhattan and the new Manhattan Monologues: Stories ( which may be
in the stores when you get here - who knows Auchincloss may be around to
sign some at some Barnes & Noble or other.) 
Breslin, Jimmy -  Jimmy Breslin is like Mike Royko but capable of writing
near-great novels. I've read him for years, starting as a kid when he wrote
for the Herald Tribune ( of sainted memory) NY Daily News and now Newsday.
Some of you may have read his Watergate memoir, How the Good Guys Finally
Won: Notes from and Impeachment Summer,  or his hilarious policier, The Gang
that Couldn't Shoot Straight, but his novel Table Money is probably one of
the most unexpectedly great feminist novels of the late 20th century - it's
about a Congressional Medal of Honor winning sandhog who lives near a Queens
cemetery and his family. Damon Runyon: A Life is Breslin's brilliant essay
in literary biography & The Short Sweet Dream of Edgardo Guitierrez, about a
Mexican construction worker who dies on the job in NYC is probably some of
the most heartbreakingly beautiful reportage you will ever read. Breslin the
man, unfortunately, is as mean as a snake, but that's because he's been
sober for the last 20 odd years. Michiko Kakutani of the Times won't say
nice things about him, but I will. Here are some samples of some of his
recent articles in Newsday - not great, but evidence of the heavyweight are
Kempton, Murray - I'm sorry he's dead because he was a lovely man, a demon
bycyclist and a  great adopted New Yorker. His definition of the city: "New
York is a place where Bishop Clement Moore ( T'was the Night Before
Christmas ) and Lorenzo da Ponte ( friend to Casenova, librettist of
Mozart's  Don Giovanni and the Marriage of Figaro and Columbia University's
first Professor of Italian) could be friends." Rebellions, Perversities and
Main Events is out of print - if you can find it STEAL IT. The man wrote
like a God. 
This piece by Tim O'Connor says it best: 
I revered Murray Kempton. For years I bought New York Newsday to read his
column. (Between his work there, and that of Jimmy Breslin and Sydney
Schanberg, I was in columnist heaven.) I even have a copy of Rebellions,
Perversities, and Main Events (Kempton, 1994) on my desk as something to dip
into when I need to change my focus and put things in perspective.
But nothing I say is as memorable as my brush with the man himself.
One day I was crossing Broadway uptown, waiting for traffic to clear. I was
about to step into the street. Then instinct told me to halt. I did. I
looked in the direction of oncoming traffic, and witnessed the sight of
Kempton bearing down on me on his bicycle, headed downtown as if he were
possessed by demons, and I was torn between gazing at him in admiration, and
saving my rear end.
Fortunately, my good sense won out, and I leaped back from the crosswalk. He
ripped past, very close to my face, that white hair blowing in the breeze.
He looked as confident as any man in a suit, on two wheels, can look.
I have thought since then that if I ever had to be run over by a cyclist, I
would have wanted it to be Kempton. Now that he is gone, I doubt there is
anyone else whose wheels I could tolerate.
--Tim O'Connor

Bellow, Saul - This Chicagoan Nobellist lived among us for a while. His
novel, Mr Sammler's Planet is required reading. 
The  lists below includes an IB Singer novel, Edith Wharton's oeuvre, E.B.
Whites essay Here is New York  plus all the folks you may want to read,
including Chester Himes but does not include the altogether wonderful Joseph
Mitchell's  Up in the Old Hotel & Other Stories, Mario Puzo's minor classic
about Hell's Kitchen, The Fortunate Pilgrim or Lawrence Block's Hell's
Kitchen mysteries that center aroung real folks and friends of mine at Jimmy
Armstrongs Saloon - the Matthew Scudder Novels - When the Sacred Ginmill
Closes  ---but hey...even I don't read that fast. 
Happy gardening - Happy reading,
Adam Honigman



Travel and impressions 

*       Brendan Behan Brendan Behan's New York (Hutchinson/Geis). Behan's
journey through the underbelly of New York City in the early 1960s, readably
recounted in anecdotal style - and with some characterful sketches by Paul
*       Stephen Brook New York Days, New York Nights (Picador/Atheneum). A
witty and fairly penetrating account of the city in the 1980s. 
*       Jerome Charyn Metropolis (Abacus/Avon). A native of the Bronx,
Charyn dived into the New York of the 1980s from every angle and comes up
with a book that's still sharp, sensitive and refreshingly real: one of the
best things you can read on the city, from one of its better contemporary
writers. See also "New York in Fiction", below. 
*       B. Cohen, S. Chwast and S. Heller (eds) New York Observed (Abrams,
o/p). An anthology of writings on and illustrations of the city from 1650 to
the 1980s: a good alternative to the more literary Marqusee/Harris book. 
*       Henry James Lake George to Burlington (Tragara Press UK). Travels
through the peaceful and often wild backwaters of New York State in the late
1800s. As ever, elegantly written. 
*       Frederico Garcia Lorca Poet in New York (Penguin/Grove Weidenfeld,
o/p). The Andalusian poet and dramatist spent nine months in the city around
the time of the Wall Street Crash. This collection of over thirty poems
reveals his feelings on the brutality, loneliness, greed, corruption racism
and mistreatment of the poor. 
*       Jan Morris Manhattan `45 (Penguin/OUP) Morris' most recent, and
best, writings on Manhattan, reconstructing New York as it greeted returning
GIs in 1945. Effortlessly written, fascinatingly anecdotal, marvellously
warm about the city. See also The Great Port (OUP). 
*       Edmund White States of Desire: Travels in Gay America
(Picador/NAL-Dutton). A revealing account of life in gay communities across
America, containing an informed if dispassionate chapter on New York. Good
on Fire Island and the more lurid aspects of NYC gay bars. 

History, politics and society 

*       Oliver E. Allen New York New York (Macmillan). Entertaining
anecdotal illustrated history with good accounts of the robber barons and
other eminent New Yorkers, along with a deft appraisal of the Koch era. 
*       George Chauncey Gay New York: The Making of the Gay Male World
1890-1940 (HarperCollins/Flamingo). Definitive, revealing account of the
city's gay subculture, superbly researched. Though academic in approach,
it's a highly readable chronicle of a much-neglected facet of New York's
*       Anne Douglas Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s
(Picador/Farrar, Straus, Giroux). The media and artistic culture of the
Roaring Twenties, a never-repeated fluke that was a casualty of the
*       Edward Robb Ellis The Epic of New York City
(Coward-McCann/Marboro-Dorset Reprints, both o/p). Popularized history of
the city in which its major historical figures - Peter Stuyvesant, William
Tweed and the rest - become a cast of characters as colourful as any
historical novel. Interesting, but you sometimes wonder where Ellis gets his
facts from. 
*       Kenneth T. Jackson (ed) The Enyclopaedia of New York (Yale UP).
Massive, engrossing and utterly comprehensive guide to just about everything
in the city. Much dry detail, but packed with incidental wonders: did you
know that there are more (dead) people in Calvary Cemetery, Queens, than
there are (living) people in the whole borough? Or that Truman Capote's real
name was Streckford Persons? 
*       Michael Pye Maximum City: The Biography of New York (Picador, UK).
Newish overview by a transplanted Brit; more synoptic, less impressionistic
than Charyn's Metropolis. 
*       Ron Rosenbaum Manhattan Passions (Penguin/Viking Penguin, o/p).
Rosenbaum lunches with the rich and powerful in New York - and writes about
it with wit, style and sometimes hard-bitten contempt. Pieces on Donald
Trump, Ed Koch and the late Malcolm Forbes to name just a few. 

Art, architecture and photography 

*       W. Brown American Art (Abrams). Encyclopedic account of movements in
the visual and applied arts in America from colonial times to the present
*       Philip S. Foner and Reinhard Schultz The Other America
(Journeyman/Unwin Hyman). Art and images of poverty and the labour movement
in the USA. Includes photographs of early twentieth-century New York by
Jacob Riis (see above) and Lewis W. Hine. 
*       Margot Gayle and Michele Cohen Guide to Manhattan's Sculpture
(Prentice Hall). The Art Commission and Municipal Art Society's very
thorough illustrated guide to more or less every piece of standing sculpture
on the island. Accessibly laid-out and written. 
*       Paul Goldberger The City Observed: A Guide to the Architecture of
Manhattan (Penguin/Random House). If you need a reasonably up-to-date,
well-written and erudite rundown on New York's premier buildings, look no
further. Goldberger's book is hard to fault. 
*       H. Klotz (ed.) New York Architecture 1970-1990 (Prestel/Rizzoli).
Extremely welll-llustrated account of the shift from Modernism to
postmodernism and beyond. 
*       Les Krantz American Artists (Phaidon/Facts on File). An attractive
and indispensable alphabetical guide to American art after World War I. 
*       Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives (Dover/Hill & Wang). Republished
photo-journalism reporting life in the Lower East Side at the end of the
nineteenth century. The original awakened many to the plight of New York's
*       Barbara Rose American Twentieth-century Painting (Skira/Rizzoli).
Full and readable, with prints that more than justify the price. 
*       N. White and E. Willensky (eds.) AIA Guide to New York
(Macmillan/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich). Standard guide to the city's
architecture, more interesting than it sounds. 
*       Gerard R. Wolfe New York: A Guide to the Metropolis (McGraw-Hill
US). Only available in the States, this is more academic - and less
opinionated - than Goldberger's book, but it does include some good stuff on
the Outer Boroughs. Also informed historical background. 

Specific guides 

*       Richard Alleman The Movie Lover's Guide to New York (Harper & Row,
US). Over two hundred listings of corners of the city with cinematic
associations. Interestingly written, painstakingly researched and
indispensable to anyone with even a remote interest in either New York or
film history. 
*       Joann Biondi & James Kaskins Hippocrene USA Guide to Black New York
(Hippocrene US). Borough-by-borough gazetteer of historic sites and
contemporary shops of special Afro-American interest. 
*       Judi Culbertson and Tom Randall Permanent New Yorkers (Chelsea Green
US). This unique guide to the cemeteries of New York includes the final
resting-places of such notables as Herman Melville, Duke Ellington, Billie
Holliday, Horace Greeley, Mae West, Judy Garland and 350 others. 
*       Bubbles Fisher The Candy Apple: New York for Kids (Prentice Hall).
Written by a quintessentially New York grandmother, this guide is fun for
adults to read, and offers lots of good ideas about what to do with kids in
the city. 
*       Toby and Gene Glickman The New York Red Pages (Praeger US, o/p).
Radical guide to the city taking in politically significant sites and points
of interest. Covering Lower Manhattan only, and again solely available in
America; if you can get hold of it it's an informing read. 
*       Mark Leeds Ethnic New York (Passport Books US, o/p). A guide to the
city that details its major ethnic neighbourhoods, with descriptions of
restaurants, shops and festivals. Though its maps are terrible, it's an
excellent introduction to the city's ethnic locales, especially outside
*       Andrew Roth Infamous Manhattan (Citadel Press US) A vivid and
engrossing history of New York crime, revealing the sites of Mafia hits,
celebrity murders, nineteenth-century brothels, and other wicked spots,
including a particularly fascinating guide to restaurants with dubious,
infamous or gory pasts. As a walking tour guide it can't be beaten, but the
stories and anecdotes of 350 years of Manhattan misdeeds are just as
absorbing from an armchair. The most accurate, readable and entertaining
book on the subject yet published. 

New York in fiction 

*       Martin Amis Money (Penguin/Viking Penguin). Following the wayward
moments of degenerate film director John Self between London and New York, a
weirdly scatological novel that's a striking evocation of 1980s excess. 
*       Paul Auster The New York Trilogy: City of Glass, Ghosts and The
Locked Room (Faber/Viking Penguin). Three Borgesian investigations into the
mystery, madness and murders of contemporary NYC. Using the conventions of
the crime thriller, Auster unfolds a disturbed and disturbing picture of the
*       James Baldwin Another Country (Penguin/Vintage). Baldwin's
best-known novel, tracking the feverish search for meaningful relationships
among a group of 1960s New York bohemians. The so-called liberated era in
the city has never been more vividly documented - nor its knee-jerk racism. 
*       John Franklin Bardin The Deadly Percheron; The Last of Philip
Banter; Devil Take the Blue-Tail Fly (Penguin/Viking Penguin, all o/p).
These three unique tales are the only work by Bardin, who disappeared from
literary life in 1948; paranoid, almost surreal mysteries that use 1940s New
York as a vivid backdrop for intricate storylines. 
*       Wilton Barnhardt Emma Who Saved My Life (Futura/St Martin, o/p).
Warm and witty novel about making it in New York in the 1970s. Full of
sharply observed, satirical detail on city characters, locations, dilemmas
and situations, and funny enough to make you laugh out loud, it's perhaps
the most perfect thing to take with you on a visit. 
*       Madison S. Bell The Year of Silence (Abacus/Viking Penguin). The
story of an Upper West Side suicide, and the effects it has on everyone
connected, from the woman's lover to the Broadway panhandler who discovers
the body. Controlled, delicately paced writing, structured (almost) as a set
of separate stories, and unsentimentally revealing the city and its people.
See also Bell's collection of short stories, Zero db (Abacus), and his
Waiting for the End of the World (Abacus), an earlier novel about a
terrorist plot to plant a nuclear device in the subway tunnels under Times
*       William Boyd Stars and Bars (Penguin/Viking Penguin). Set partly in
New York, part in the deep South, a well-observed novel that tells
despairingly and hilariously of the unbridgeable gap between the British and
Americans. Full of ringing home truths for the first-time visitor to the
*       Jerome Charyn War Cries over Avenue C (Abacus/Viking Penguin, o/p).
Alphabet City is the derelict backdrop for this novel of gang warfare among
the Vietnam-crazed coke barons of New York City. An offbeat tale of
conspiracy and suspense. A later work, Paradise Man (Abacus), is the violent
story of a New York hit man. 
*       John Cheever The Stories of John Cheever (Vintage/Ballantine). These
marvellous stories have a warmth, depth of understanding and a narrative
tension that makes utterly compelling reading. And they are also a superb
evocation of New York (city and state) in the 1950s and 1960s. 
*       E.L. Doctorow Ragtime (Picador/Bantam). America, and particularly
New York, before World War I: Doctorow cleverly weaves together fact and
fiction, historical figures and invented characters, to create what ranks as
biting indictment of the country and its racism. See also the earlier and
equally skilful Book of Daniel; World's Fair, a beautiful evocation of a
Bronx boyhood in the 1930s; Loon Lake, much of which is set in the
Adirondacks; and the subsequent Billy Bathgate. All are available in
*       J.P. Donleavy A Fairy Tale of New York (Penguin/Atlantic Monthly).
Comic antics through the streets of New York in the well-worn Donleavy
*       Andrea Dworkin Ice and Fire (Secker & Warburg/Grove Weidenfeld,
o/p). An unpleasant and disturbing romp through the East Village by one of
America's leading feminist writers. 
*       Brett Easton Ellis American Psycho (Picador/Vintage). Having arrived
in a blaze of hype, Easton Ellis's profoundly unpleasant book studies the
life of Patrick Bateman, who works on Wall Street by day and tortures women
to death for sexual pleasure by night. As in his previous book, Less than
Zero (set in LA), the protagonist's world is a vapid one where designer
labels are more important signifiers than people's names. Reviled by
critics, Psycho is, in the final analysis, not a profound enough literary
vessel for the disturbing ideas it contains. 
*       Ralph Ellison Invisible Man (Penguin/Random House). The definitive
if sometimes long-winded novel of what it's like to be black and American,
using Harlem and the 1950s race riots as a background. 
*       F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Penguin/Collier Macmillan).
Fitzgerald's best and best-known novel, set among the estates, the parties
and hedonism of Long Island's Gold Coast in the Twenties. Stylishly written
detail on the city too. 
*       Helene Hanff Apple of My Eye (Futura o/p/Moyer Bell, both o/p).
Deliberately ironic look at the city by a native New Yorker who found fame
as the author of 84 Charing Cross Road. At times irritatingly naive, but
often insightful and gently penetrating. If this appeals, follow it up with
Letter from New York (Warner), based on her BBC broadcasts from the city. 
*       Oscar Hijuelos Our House in the Last World (Serpent's Tail/Pocket
Books). A warmly evocative novel of immigrant Cuban life in New York from
before the war to the present day. 
*       Chester Himes The Crazy Kill (Alison & Busby/Random House). Himes
writes violent, fast-moving and funny thrillers set in Harlem, of which this
is just one. 
*       Andrew Holleran Dancer from the Dance (Penguin/NAL-Dutton).
Enjoyable account of the embryonic gay disco scene of the early 1970s.
Interesting locational detail of Manhattan haunts and Fire Island, but
suffers from over-exaltation of the central character. 
*       Henry James Washington Square (Penguin/Viking Penguin). Skilful
examination of the codes and dilemmas of New York genteel society in the
nineteenth century. 
*       Tama Janowitz Slaves of New York (Picador/Pocket Books). Written by
one of the so-called "brat-pack" of young American writers, this collection
of short stories pokes gentle fun at New York in the 1980s. Janowitz's
recurring cast of characters is colourful, shocking, sad and endearing. Her
most recent novel, Male Cross-Dresser Support Group (Random House), marks a
return to form aftr her forgettable A Cannibal in Manhattan (Picador, o/p). 
*       Joyce Johnson Minor Characters (Picador/Pocket Books). Women were
never a prominent feature of the Beat generation; its literature examined a
male world through strictly male eyes. This book, written by the woman who
lived for a short time with Jack Kerouac, redresses the balance superbly
well. And there's no better novel available on the Beats in New York. See
also her In the Night Café (Flamingo), a novel which charts - again in part
autobiographically - the relationship between a young woman and a struggling
New York artist in the 1960s. 
*       Stephen Koch The Bachelor's Bride (Marion Boyars). Readable if
slightly affected novel of art society in 1960s New York. 
*       Joseph Koenig Little Odessa (Penguin/Ballantine). An ingenious,
twisting thriller set in Manhattan and Brooklyn's Russian community in
Brighton Beach. A seriously readable, exciting novel, and a good
contemporary view of New York City. 
*       Larry Kramer Faggots (Mandarin/NAL-Dutton). Parody of the NYC gay
scene, lewdly honest and raucously funny, by the author of the AIDS play The
Normal Heart. 
*       Mary McCarthy The Group (Penguin/Avon). Eight Vassar graduates
making their way in the New York of the Thirties. Sad, funny and satirical. 
*       Jay McInerney Bright Lights, Big City (Flamingo/Vintage). A cult
book, and one which made first-time novelist McInerney a mint, following a
struggling New York yuppie from one cocaine-sozzled nightclub to another.
See also McInerney's subsequent novel, Story of My Life (Penguin/Vintage):
easily his best work, a superbly observed social satire in which the heroine
weaves her way through a Manhattan that's disturbingly (and sometimes
hilariously) superficial, self-indulgent and exhausted. McInerney's latest,
Brightness Falls (Random House), is less specifically focused on New York
but still worthwhile. 
*       Henry Miller Crazy Cock (HarperCollins/Grove Weidenfeld, o/p).
Semi-autobiographical work of love, sex and angst in Greenwich Village in
the 1920s. The more easily available trilogy of Sexus, Plexus and Nexus
(HC/Grove) and the famous Tropics duo (...of Cancer, ...of Capricorn)
contain generous slices of 1920s Manhattan as sandwich meat to bohemian life
in 1930s Paris. 
*       Ann Petry The Street (Virago/Houghton Mifflin). The story of a black
woman's struggle to rise from the slums of Harlem in the 1940s. Convincingly
bleak. . 
*       Thomas Pynchon V (Picador/HarperCollins). First novel by one of
America's greatest living writers. The settings shift from Valletta to
Namibia, but New York's Lower East Side is a key reference point. And
there's a fantastic crocodile hunt through the city sewers. Recommended. 
*       Judith Rossner Looking for Mr Goodbar (Cape/Pocket Books). A
disquieting book, tracing the progress - and eventual demise - of a woman
teacher through volatile and permissive New York in the 1960s. Good on
evoking the feel of the city in the 1960s era, but on the whole a depressing
*       Henry Roth Call It Sleep (Penguin/Avon). Roth's only work of any
real note traces - presumably autobiographically - the awakening of a small
immigrant child to the realities of life among the slums of the Jewish Lower
East Side. Read more for the evocations of childhood than the social
*       Paul Rudnick Social Disease (Penguin/Ballantine). Hilarious, often
incredible, send-up of Manhattan night owls. Very New York, very funny. 
*       Damon Runyon First to Last and On Broadway (Penguin); Guys and Dolls
(River City) in the US. Collections of short stories drawn from the chatter
of Lindy's Bar on Broadway and since made into the successful musical Guys
'n' Dolls. 
*       J.D. Salinger The Catcher in the Rye (Penguin/Bantam). Salinger's
brilliant novel of adolescence, following Holden Caulfield's sardonic
journey of discovery through the streets of New York. Essential reading. 
*       Sarah Schulman The Sophie Horowitz Story (Naiad Press US) and After
Dolores (Plume US). Lesbian detective stories set in contemporary New York:
dry, downbeat and very funny. See also Girls, Visions and Everything (Seal
Press US), a stylish and, again, humorous study of the lives of Lower East
Side lesbians. 
*       Hubert Selby Jr. Last Exit to Brooklyn (Paladin/Grove Weidenfeld).
When first published in Britain in 1966 this novel was tried on charges of
obscenity and even now it's a disturbing read, evoking the sex, the
immorality, the drugs, and the violence of downtown Brooklyn in the 1960s
with fearsome clarity. An important book, but to use the words of David
Shepherd at the obscenity trial, you will not be unscathed. 
*       Dyan Sheldon Dreams of an Average Man (Penguin, Crown, both o/p).
Dense, typically mordant novel of deceit, social manners and mid-life crises
among NYC yuppies. An insightful and frequently scary read. 
*       Isaac Bashevis Singer Enemies (Penguin/Farrar Straus & Giroux). A
Polish Jew settles in New York following the war and marries the woman who
helped him escape the Nazis, only to find the wife he thought was dead has
managed to escape too. A bleak tale, suffused with guilt and regret, set in
a Manhattan haunted by the horrific and seemingly everlasting shadow of the
*       Betty Smith A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Pan/HarperCollins). Something
of a classic, and rightly so, in which a courageous Irish girl makes good
against a vivid pre-war Brooklyn backdrop. Totally absorbing. 
*       Rex Stout The Doorbell Rang (Fontana/Bantam). Stout's Nero Wolfe is
perhaps the most intrinsically "New York" of all the literary detectives
based in the city, a larger-than-life character who, with the help of his
dashing assistant, Archie Goodwin, solves crimes - in this story and others
published by Fontana - from the comfort of his sumptuous midtown Manhattan
brownstone. Compulsive reading, and wonderfully evocative of the city in the
1940s and 1950s. 
*       Edith Wharton Old New York (Virago/Scribners). A collection of short
novels on the manners and mores of New York in the mid-nineteenth century,
written with Jamesian clarity and precision. Virago/Scribner also publish
her Hudson River Bracketed and The Mother's Recompense, both of which centre
around the lives of women in nineteenth-century New York. 
*       Tom Wolfe The Bonfire of the Vanities (Picador/Bantam). Wolfe's
first novel, and one which uses his skills of social observation to the
full. Sherman McCoy is a Wall Street bond dealer who finds he can't live on
$1 million a year, and meets his match when, while swooning at the monied
spires of Manhattan, he inadvertently drives his Mercedes into the South
Bronx. The best top-to-toe revelation of New York in the late 1980s you
could wish for - and a fine racy read to boot, despite its appearance as a
much-criticized film.

        A French Guy's List of NYC Books:
 The City in History 
ALBION, R.G. The Rise of New York Port 1815-1860. New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1939. 
ARCHDEACON, Thomas J. New York City, 1664-1710, Conquest and Change. Ithaca
& London: Cornell UP, 1976. 
BERNSTEIN, Ivor. The New York City Draft Riots. Their Significance for
American Society and Politics in the Age of the Civil War. New York, Oxford:
Oxford UP, 1990. 
BURROWS, E.G., WALLACE, Mike. Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. 
GRAFTON, John. New York in the Nineteenth Century. Dover, 1977. 
HAMMACK David C. Power and Society: Greater New York at the Turn of the
Century. Columbia UP, 1987. 
KOUWENHOVEN, J.A. Columbia Historical Portrait of New York, 1953. 
LANKEVITCH, George J., FURER, Howard B. A Brief History of New York City,
New York, 1984. 
LANKEVITCH, George J. American Metropolis: A History of New York City. New
York University Press, 1998. 
LONGSTREET, S. City on Two Rivers, 1975. 
MANDELBAUM, S. Boss Tweed's New York, 1965. 
MOORHOUSE, Geoffrey. Imperial City: The Rise and Rise of New York. Hodder &
Stoughton General, 1989. 
MORRIS, Lloyd. Incredible New York: High Life and Low Life from 1850 to
1950. Syracuse University Press, 1996.
PYE, Michael. Maximum City: The Biography of New York, Picador. 
RINK, Oliver A. Holland on the Hudson: An Economic and Social History of
Dutch New York. Ithaca & London: Cornell UP, 1986. 
RITCHIE, Robert C. The Duke's Province A Study of New York Politics and
Society 1664-1691. Chapel Hill: The University of Carolina Press, 1977. 
SHEFTER, Martin. Political Crisis/Fiscal Crisis: The Collapse and Revival of
New York City. Series edited by Kenneth T. JACKSON, Columbia University
Press, 1992. 
SPANN, E.K. The New Metropolis, 1840-1857, 1981. 
STILL, Bayrd. Mirror for Gotham: New York as Seen by Contemporaries from
Dutch Days to the Present. Fordham University Press, 1994. 
SPANN, Edward K. The New Metropolis New York City 1840-1857. Columbia UP,
SUTCLIFFE, Anthony, ed. Metropolis, 1890-1940, Chicago, 1984. 
WILENTZ, Sean. Chants Democratic: New York City and the Rise of the American
Working Class, 1788-1850, New York, 1984. 
Of the City and Cities 
BODY-GENDROT, Sophie. Les villes américaines: Les politiques urbaines. Les
Fondamentaux, Paris: Hachette Supérieur, 1998. 
GEENBERG, Stanley. Invisible New York: The Hidden Infrastructure of the
City. Johns Hopkins UP. 
KERJAN, Liliane. (ed.). Urban America in the Sixties, Presses universitaires
de Rennes, 1994. 
MONKKONEN, Eric H. America Becomes Urban The Development of U.S. Cities and
Towns 1780-1980, University of California Press, 1988. 
MUMFORD, Lewis. The Culture of Cities. New York, 1930; réimpr. New York,
-- The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects.
New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1961. 
REPS, John. W. La Ville américaine Fondation et projets. Pierre Mardaga,
Bruxelles, 1969. 
The Black City 
ANDERSON, J. This Was Harlem, 1982. 
ELLISON, Ralph. "Harlem is Nowhere", in Shadow and Act, New York, 1964. 
HANDLIN, Oscar. The Newcomers: Negroes and Puerto Ricans in a Changing
Metropolis. Harvard UP, 1959-1971. 
JOHNSON, J.W. Black Manhattan, 1930
LEWIS, D.L. When Harlem was in Vogue, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981. 
The City of Immigrants
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The City of Words
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The City of Crime 
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Art and the City 
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Théatre, comédie musicale
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The City Talk 
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http: // States/New York/Cities/New

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