Dear Friends,

I have "doubled" verified with General Manager Doug Bell that the Community Gardens will be on the agenda on July 9th at 7:00pm at the City Council Chambers on 3575 Pacific Avenue. Pass the word around! I have already made flyers and will post them at the gardens this well as other strategic places ;-) (no, I don't go inside restrooms posting case anyone was wondering!)

And, for anyone who wants to be involved...we need to meet (especially gardeners) previous to the meeting to make sure that everyone understands the issue on how to get the general public support (which is what we need), and things to do for the gardens to stay where they are. Please, remember, this is not over yet, and a 'slip of the tongue' will make us lose the gardens again, like they were lost 2 months ago with this 'nice' bunch of people in the Board that we currently have. So, do I have anyone who opposes June 30th in the evening? We could meet at around 7:00pm, at the Gardens? Cynthia and Dolores seem to be ok with that date, anybody else? Let me know. I guess I just made up the time...anyone prefers another time? If you know of people that don't have emails, or that I don't have their email, please let them know so that they can be there also. You can pass my phone # for questions/comments, as you know. 925-455-4377

I am also looking for volunteers to have the Gardens open once a month for 'touring' puroposes...(I need 12) I will bring a sign up sheet on the day that we meet in the gardens & discuss it further...whenever that might be!! (soon)

OK. That's it for now...let's put on another SHOW for the board, shall we??

Take care all,


"Think Globally, Garden Locally"

"Community Gardens = Sustainability"

"Community Gardens + Community Center = Happy Community "


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