Dear Sean Gambrel
AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer,
My kiwi grew from seeds about 13 years ago and were fine in the latitude of
Harrisburg, Pa. for the summer.  We gave them to a friend in Wash. D.C.
because we had nowhere to plant them for the winter.  Perhaps a very
sheltered area or just replanting every year would suffice.  If you have an
in ground type greenhouse, like the Russians use in their much farther
northern areas, it might work.  The USDA office, back then, had one small
article about Kiwi plants which at that time wasn't very helpful.  Kiwi take
over everything and hold soil, which is why they are used on New Zealand
hillsides.  Sort of like we use Crown Vetch for soil conservation so beware
of a hardy Kiwi, because Crown Vetch has now become a weed in Penna.

 Crossing Kiwi with Kudzu and inserting a cold hardy gene would give us
fruit and high protein flour...   OK, I realize some of you fear the
Monsanto gene splicer, just joking.  As for support, lots of people throw
out old bed springs.  Rust is much safer than toxic pressure treated wood.
Think chemistry, if the plant is taking in the atoms of the toxins in the
root system it becomes incorporated in the structure of the plant.  That is
why I could never understand people telling you to wash off the
insecticides.  Even as a child I knew that the plant was absorbing poisons
into the very essence of its being.  That admonishment to just wash the
fruits and veggies was as disturbing to me as the Santa Claus story when I
saw my parents wrapping gifts in secret.  Smart kids incorporate such
nonsense into a construct of why I do not trust grownups and then transfer
it to distrust of government.

Just another rant about why community gardens are very important for the
structure of this nation.

Helen Steely
Hbg., Pa.

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