dear Sharon,

thanks for introducing me to the smoothie world! Actually I use the blender
a lot, but now I am aware of another name for what I create with it. The
book looks tasty and inspiring. I will try to get ahold of it in old Europe.
Lisa, could you you repeat your friend's recipe in plain text version?

yummy greetings


> From: Sharon Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [cg] Three ingredient Cooking
> I don't see, why three ingredients recipies should be more fresh and
> than lets say five ingredients, but anyhow minimalistic cooking sounds
> a good way to (re-)discover the basic taste of things.
> ***True, I have seen 20 ingredient recipes that are very fresh and
> The three ingredients do allow the taste to come through, and hopefully
> fresh ripe foods the taste is especially wonderful.
>   But
> please, can you explain to me - not being familiar with American cuisine -
> what means "roasted smoothie style"?
> ***In this case, one of the clementine halves is roasted.  Then it is put
> a blender and blended until it is as smooth as a milkshake.  In the US,
> drinks which are a combination of blended fruits, or fruit and yogurt, or
> other usually healthy combinations have been named "smoothies".  In this
> recipe though the smoothie-like material is used as an ingredient in the
> salad dressing.  I can't find a german language book on smoothies at
>, but here is a picture of one from an English language book:
> 102-2408270-4855365?v=glance&s=books&vi=reader&img=1#reader-link
>  Basic idea:
> invite five of your friends from different national backgrounds for
> and lets say another 20 of as many backgrounds as you can get ahold of for
> dinner and celebrate diversity of cooking.
> ***It is fun to do things like that, to see how different cultures use the
> ingredients, and to enjoy the company of people from different
> great combination of SlowFood and SlowFriends.
> Sharon

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