Hi Folks,
Yes, health departments' efforts to control every aspect of food
consumption do seem a little misplaced to some of us involved in organic
agriculture. A look at many studies of the human health on this planet
indicates that food consumption is not currently a very safe activity. On
the other end of the issue stands the fact that Washington State, with
one of the highest rates of per capita income, ranks 2nd in the nation
for "food insecurity" - that means families with not enough food to eat.
Those nonprofit organizations whose primary focus is "food security"
might be granted a little latitude by the regulators who seem to be,
otherwise, shoveling sand against the tide of corporate control of our
food supply. Or, perhaps a correct metaphor would be "carrying water" for
the food corporations.
This isn't going to be an easy subject for a community gardening
organization to solve but we should keep in mind that our activities are
at the forefront of the individual family's opportunity to gain some
measure of food security. If the local food police feel that they have
prosecutorial power over community potlucks today are they then not
likely to come to believe that they should control community gardening
tomorrow? Perhaps this would be acceptable if there was some measure of
success in their efforts to insure public safety.
However, here in Spokane and elsewhere in the state, the government has
managed to allow city compost to be contaminated with herbicides. Besides
crop loss, the result here has been the closing down of the city
sponsored composting effort at a very significant cost to taxpayers.
Remarkably, this persistent herbicide in the compost continues to be used
on agricultural land despite having been shown capable of not only
persisting in plant residue but of passing directly through cattle and
contaminating manure.
A couple of years ago, there was a local outbreak of a food born
parasitic infection. Exposure occurred during a banquet and information
about this very significant health event was published in the journal of
the American Medical Association. Remarkably, the produce company and
restaurant which were the sources of this problem was never publicly
One might be led to the conclusion that regulation is a matter of
politics when agencies step in aggressively to prohibit activities that
draw attention and seek to support local food security, while failing in
their responsibilities to provide local gardeners with safe soil
amendments and to inform us of other dangers to public health.

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 17:17:31 -0500 (EST)
From: Jeneva Storme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [cg] Bad for potlucks, folks?

Unfortunately, the Health Authority in Spokane has a
history of cracking down on public consumption of
home-cooked food in any context.  I remember when they
banned home-prepared food, even sandwiches, from being
provided to youth at Crosswalk, a centre to help
street kids.  The reason given was health risks from
improperly prepared food -- but these kids often have
to resort to eating out of trash bins, are they really
in danger from a couple of homemade sandwiches or a
bowl of soup?  This type of thing is a ridiculous
abuse of authority to "protect us from ourselves", and
should be fought with every bit of power at the
people's disposal.

Greening West Broadway Coordinator
"Neighbourhood Solutions for Community Change"

West Broadway Development Corporation
640 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB  R3C 0X3
phone: 774-3534  fax: 779-2203
website: http://www.westbroadway.mb.ca

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