I am a non-gardener who joined the list to listen. A need in my community is for a community greenhouse and when I have some time and have learned some community garden-speak, I plan to write a grant to get one established.

There were a couple of posts in the latest community garden digest that inspired me to add some comments.

On Tuesday, October 15, 2002, at 12:00 PM, community_garden-
Subject: [cg] Need some major advice....

My first question is how can we successfully recruit more individuals to
become members at large, board members etc. ... Is it more incentives from merchants? Or more garden talks that members can attend for free? What am I missing here?

Boards are resume items regardless of the size of the organization. The best way to get people on your board of directors is to ask them in a flattering way. When they ask what they will have to do, the first thing you will respond is that they must join. Then go on to describe the actual commitment you want each person to make. Are you a member of other groups? Are there people that you have visited with on a casual basis that think you are doing a great job and have given you (maybe on reflection) some good advice? Call, ask them to serve on your board. Some will be too busy, others will be flattered. Also, become clear in your mind whether board members need to be gardeners. Gardeners-only will narrow your field because some people you meet will be more interested in promoting your results. However, too many non-gardeners could distance the board from the workers. Along the lines of this suggestion: So, here's my suggestion - have you considered contacting groups for the disabled?

Civic-minded people are often more interested in the outcomes than the means. Junior League, League of Women Voters are two examples where some individual members could be very interested - and could likely be casual gardeners. Offer to speak at a meeting focusing on your success, apply to the Junior League for funding - volunteers and board members usually come with this.

Our individual that represents the "environment" and "greening groups"
(never seen him anywhere else in the community, hmmm) doesn't even give me the time of day even though I have the reputation as our community gardening
activist.I was never asked to be a part of this committee. I wonder why?

Did you ask to be on the committee? City committees here require connections with a city council member or key staff person that will be handling the committee. You have to let that person know over and over that you want to serve on committees that are related to your project (be specific) and have an application on file. Unfortunately they rarely seek out local activists you have to be a "committee seeker."

<br> group home garden
To your questions - I'm not sure how to get people involved in this gardening project of mine, so if you figure that out, I'd be thrilled to learn it.

On a project for a specific group home, my inclination is that the people who will support the garden are the same as those that will advocate for people with similar situations as your ward. Parent groups are great. I would start with a workday and advertise it in the newsletters several months in advance and have them announce it at their meetings - and serve food. Some communities have a volunteer center. Church groups and business often contact this center/agency for projects. If you have such an agency in your area, get this project on the list. They are often seeking one day projects so do the planting digging etc and hope that someone from your supporting groups will step forward to "manage" the project maintenance.

Good luck! I'll have to try this advice on my community when I get to the actual grant planning stage!

Bonnie Bowman

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