
This was forwarded to me by David Lutz of the Neighborhood Open Space 
Coalition - a NYC based coaltion of  open space, greenway and community garden 
advocates.  A sweet thought for a cool Wednesday afternoon: 

Best wishes,
Adam Honigman
 <A HREF="";>Clinton Community Garden</A>  


Several years ago, in a meeting room in Brooklyn, a former mayor of Bogotá 
Columbia described his tough choices with limited budgets. “I could pave or fix 
roads or I could build parks and greenways.” Fixing roads, he noted, would 
stop a few complainers, but adding to green space would make people happy. He 
chose assisting in the “pursuit of happiness.” Sometimes a stranger to a place 
can see its assets, dilemmas and opportunities more accurately than a person 
who lives with them daily. Mayor Pena, in the United States as a visiting 
scholar, touched a raw nerve in an era of shrinking park budgets and threats to 
federal transportation program funding that is making much of the greenway 
system possible.



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