I have a PowerPoint presentation called "Vegetable Gardening: Getting a Great 
Start" that I created and used to teach "basic vegetable gardening" classes for 
a diversity of people including homeless and people with low incomes.  It 
covers soil, garden layout, plant selection . . . you know the basics...  I 
would be willing to burn a CD and send it by request...if you can use it.  Your 
Extension office in SC should have access to a laptop & projector.  

Shelly Collins
Master Gardener
Knox County, Ohio

We are stardust  .  .  . we are golden .  .  . and we've got to get ourselves 
back to the garden .  .  .
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sally McCabe 
  To: list serve (E-mail) 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 9:14 AM
  Subject: [cg] FW: community garden training

  -----Original Message-----
  Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 9:06 PM
  To: Sally McCabe
  Subject: community garden training

  Ran across your training info. I am a Master Gardener in Spartanburg SC. I 
currently work for the Nutrition Council. One of our goals for 2004 is to train 
community association leaders in the basics of vegetable gardening. Their 
attendance will be a prerequisite for receiving a potential mini-grant for 
their neighborhood. I could use the SC Master Gardeners Manual, however there 
is a problem with literacy. Looking for ideas on existing training programs. Do 
you have something I could start with?? 

  Jerry Allen 

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