Dear Adam-

It's my curse to be the soul of understanding where other people's points of 
view are concerned, and I feel I must speak up in GreenThumb's defense.   I 
might agree they were negligent so-and-sos if they had not decided to assume 
community gardens under Parks" general city coverage for this period "between 
carriers".   Hopefully, this is in fact the case.    I think no one wanted a 
mass panic.   I know I had to scrape myself off the ceiling when this first 
came to light via your AGCA listserv exchange with the 6th & B gardener.   

Also, I would have expected a cancellation notice from NOSC before a 
cancellation announcement from GreenThumb.   Frankly, the last word from NOSC 
was the 
surcharge notice last year, then nothing.   Though, who wants to be the bearer 
of bad news?   

Anyhow, I share your hope, Adam, if not your belief "that under Parks our 
gardens will always be accessible to the communities we serve - not private 
garden clubs functioning under the community garden label."    Oooh, don't get 

Kind regards,
Laura Braddock

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